By Colin Kaepernick’s logic, the operation to kill the Japanese commander was racist and illegitimate – IOTW Report

By Colin Kaepernick’s logic, the operation to kill the Japanese commander was racist and illegitimate

national review . by rich lowry:

Before there was Qasem Soleimani, there was Admiral Yamamoto.

In 1943, the U.S. targeted the exceptionally skilled Japanese commander and killed him in what constituted a precision attack for the time — with the P-38G Lightnings that intercepted him midair playing the role of the MQ-9 Reaper.

If it was wrong to kill Soleimani, it was wrong to kill Yamamoto — just as barbaric and illegal, just as damnable an “assassination.”

Of course, no celebrities back in World War II apologized to Imperial Japan, as actress Rose McGowan did to Iran after the killing of Soleimani in a now-semi-retracted sentiment. There wasn’t a debate about the operation’s legality. Members of the opposition party didn’t call it an assassination. No former sports star — and corporate brand ambassador — condemned it as a lamentable instance of American militarism.

Indeed, if he’s being consistent, Colin Kaepernick must view the killing of Yamamoto as yet another example of American authorities seeking to control and destroy the bodies of nonwhite men.


21 Comments on By Colin Kaepernick’s logic, the operation to kill the Japanese commander was racist and illegitimate

  1. “Indeed, if he’s being consistent, Colin Kaepernick must view the killing of Yamamoto as yet another example of American authorities seeking to control and destroy the bodies of nonwhite men.”
    What makes you think he doesn’t?

  2. If it is perfectly acceptable to kill the enemy soldiers in their foxholes by bayonets, bombs, hand grenades, napalm, rifle fire, mortar shells, artillery fire and other assorted acts of violence it should be considered even more appropriate to kill those who place the soldiers in their foxholes!

  3. anonymouse/a hitler:
    Persian has two definitions:
    A native or inhabitant of Iran.
    Ethnic Persians who speak Persian as of their native language and originate in Fars province of Iran.
    Are you referring to Ethnic Persians or Iranians as a whole? Because Iran and Persia are used interchangeably, I’m not sure which one you referring to.
    Before we start remember Iran is not an Arab country. Iranians are Persian.
    Anyways, it won’t really matter.
    Both ethnic Persians and other Iranian ethnicities such as Kurds and Azeris are considered White (Caucasian).
    The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those “having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East-North Africa.”

    For a real mind blower, south asians)indians are also caucasian



  5. kapernick is a salesman of overpriced shoes to underprivileged black people silly enough to get the money to pay for them one way or another (or steal them). Nike is an exploiter of underprivileged black people. Kapernick is right there with them.

  6. Anon- Persians are considered Caucasians. As I understand in Farsi “Iran” translates to Ayran. As in they wanted the world to know know back in circa 1925 that they were Ayrans too.

    In the final analysis Colin Kaepernick’s world view is not based in any kind of logic but rather only understood in racist terms. If Colin were a white boy who was full of white pride and down for the white struggle he would be rightly shunned from polite society. He has become a rochak test- for those that see a vile racist congratulations you have a working moral compass. For all else may god have mercy on your souls for I want nothing to do with you or the products you are selling.

  7. Crappernick will continue to make racist statements – it’s his brand and profession, not football. A vile, stupid person hypocritically doing nothing to help his so called black “brothers and sisters”.

  8. It’s the proudly retarded “National Review”. So, why bother?

    (For you whippersnappers, Yamamoto was a current military commander; of a country we were declared at war with; killed over international waters. If you can’t grasp the differences, here: “inhale”. Now you won’t die. For a few more seconds. My apologies to the rest of humanity.)

  9. Someone tell this shit-for-brains Kraepernig that if the Japanese won WWII, he’d have never been born because the zipperheads wouldn’t have put up with shit from the brothers like the honkies have. There is no such thing as Yellow Guilt.

  10. The morality of targeting Yamamoto for a decap strike never came up, primarily due to the way the Japanese had treated conquered populations and POWs, which was utterly barbaric. The most amusing anecdote from the whole business came from Bull Halsey when he found out (prior to being formally informed by Nimitz) about the pending operation. He said, “Goddammit, you people knock off this Yamamoto business. I’m going to get that son of a bitch myself!” (Ian W. Toll; “The Conquering Tide, War in the Pacific Islands 1942-1944.”)

  11. I can’t wait for us to get our troops home….

    Then let Iraq and Iran have at it…..

    I still remember the Iraq/Iran war…..

    Trench warfare, chemical attacks, and human wave assaults.


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