Bye, Mitt! – IOTW Report

Bye, Mitt!

Mitt Romney announces he won’t seek reelection

CNN- Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney announced Wednesday that he will not run for reelection to the Senate and called for a “new generation of leaders” as he criticized both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. more

33 Comments on Bye, Mitt!

  1. No surprise that McCONnell, the Failed GOP Leader of the senate, had high praise for Willard.
    Two liberal RINOs who have helped defeat Conservative Republicans Nation wide.
    It is hoped Conservative candidates will be the New Generation of Leaders not duped into the climate change scam and will tackle the National debt by reducing the size and scope of the Federal Government.
    The “old Liberal guard, AKA the Bend Over Crowd” Mittens, McCONnell, Mur”COW”ski, Collins, Cornyn, Shelby, Portman, Burr and more have failed the GOP and America.

  2. Mittens, a Democrat operative has completed his part to help sabotage the Republican Party and the destruction of America. Mission Accomplished, to quote “W”, another diabolical RINO. Mittens pay off – a cozy “retirement”. It won’t last forever. Final destination – Hell in a hand basket with his magic underwear on fire.

  3. “Utah DildoCrat Lite GOPe RINO Sen Mitt Romney….”

    There. Fixed it for ya. Yer welcome.

  4. One of the fake conservative radio stations was saying the world would have been a better place if Romney/Ryan had been elected. I think he is as full of shit as local hosts on the other fake conservative Seattle radio station. IMHO, Romney and/or McCain would have been worse for America and worse for the rest of the world than Obama.

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