BYO! – IOTW Report



h/t Tank.

20 Comments on BYO!

  1. My wife has a bother who is a executive chef.
    He is also a gay vegan, I was asking my wife who in the world would hire a vegan chef?
    She smiled with her, you dummy smile and remind me.
    “Sweetie, he works in San Fransisco.”
    Homer moment, DOH!

  2. I don’t begrudge a person their particular food sensitivity, I just don’t want to hear about it as a substitute for meaningful conversation.

    Please, this holiday season; keep it to yourself.

  3. I have (now an acquaintance who use to be a friend), who is all of those things and then some. She carries her own sea salt with her, she says table salt is poison. She use to be vegan until her hair started falling out, but she still believes everyone should be vegan. She’s on the paleo kick now and gave me a book on eating clean. She’s trying to get the utility company to put the electrical wires in front of her house to go underground because the electrical waves from the wires may cause cancer. But I can only imagine sitting at the dinner table with her. UGH! Now pass me the turkey leg and smashed potatoes.

    Have a nice Thanksgiving everyone – mine is going to be quiet. Wine, turkey, and pie. 🙂

  4. That’s about right! No problem however as anyday now Obutthole will issue a royal order eliminating the word Thanksgiving entirely
    from the lexicon of useage! But since we won’t have anything to be thankful for that will probably be appropriate!

  5. This is why I don’t entertain anymore. My opinion is that if you can’t give up your particular food fussiness for a single meal, then you’re a lousy guest and should stay home. If you really can’t eat something, don’t eat it. Eat the foods you can eat. This is Etiquette 101, which, unfortunately, seems to have been replaced and superseded by Grievance – Airing and Victimization 101.

    I stopped preparing meat at home in 2003 for health reasons. But I vowed I would never be one of those obnoxious vegetarians. I don’t preach, and don’t expect my host to make special accommodations for me. If it’s turkey at Thanksgiving, prime ribs at a wedding reception, or hot dogs at a barbeque, I’ll chow down and have a good time.

  6. Pfffft! That’s like every day of the year around here.

    If one kid likes something, the other kid hates it or the ol’ lady has something new that she’s not supposed to eat.

    I made meatloaf last week, instead of a small chopped onion I used a teaspoon (1 measly teaspoon in a 2lb loaf) of minced onion. The small one found 1 piece of minced onion and quit dinner. Yet I bring a bag of Funyuns (onion ring snacks) home, she will devour the whole bag!

    Presenting something slightly different also shuts down the whole program and feeds the garbage disposal. Slicing a potato rather than cubing it makes it taste differently, I had no idea, my taste buds apparently aren’t cut from the royal cloth.

    Oh and God forbid a green bean touches something else on the plate. Or why does it take 15 minutes to choke down (3) that’s THREE fcuking green beans (cut not whole) and make faces all the while.

  7. Did quite well bringing my own – will enjoy several slices of white meat pizza and just to prove I’m really thankful will actually eat a few slices of dark meat pizza.
    Am always a hit with the nieces and nephews

  8. “Would you like white meat or dark meat?…”

    “White please…”

    “You fucking racist!!!…”

    “Okay… Dark meat then…”

    “So!… You want to bring back slavery then, huh?!!!… You’re an even bigger fucking racist!… Die evil white man!!!… Die!!!…”

    “Um… You’re white too son…”

    “Stop micro aggressing me!!!…”

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