Bystanders Save Texas Police Officer in Skirmish, Help Arrest Suspect – IOTW Report

Bystanders Save Texas Police Officer in Skirmish, Help Arrest Suspect

Breitbart: Two bystanders saved a Midland, Texas, police officer’s life while he was stuck in a skirmish with a suspect who allegedly tried to take his gun.

Alex Salinas told KOSA that his family was driving past a parking lot when they saw a fight break out between the officer and the suspect.

As soon as Salinas realized what was happening, he intervened. He said the attacker was attempting to gouge out the officer’s eye and put a hand on the officer’s holstered gun.

“I went for his arm, his hands, to try to take it away from him,” Salinas said. “He had it gripped so I thought just do what you can. That’s all I was thinking, do what I can.” more here

7 Comments on Bystanders Save Texas Police Officer in Skirmish, Help Arrest Suspect

  1. Well done Mr. Salinas and “another woman” whoever you are! I hope the perp is put away for a long stretch.

    Note to Breitbart’s Ms. Rodriguez and her editor. Your item says:

    In May 2019, a bystander helped save a knife-wielding man struggling with a police officer…

    I think you mean that a bystander helped save a police officer struggling with a knife-wielding man. Whatever happened to proofreading, I ask you!

  2. First feel good story of this day, in many days.
    God Bless people of good conscience followed by good action.
    The Salinas family pride is shared by us as well.


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