C-SPAN Changes Call-In Format After Phone Lines Overwhelmed With Dems Voting For The President – IOTW Report

C-SPAN Changes Call-In Format After Phone Lines Overwhelmed With Dems Voting For The President

The Federalist

C-SPAN changed their open phone line labels after an overwhelming number of Democratic viewers called on Wednesday night proclaiming their support for President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. More

15 Comments on C-SPAN Changes Call-In Format After Phone Lines Overwhelmed With Dems Voting For The President

  1. Duh. What are the Democrats offering America? More riots cast as “mostly peaceful protests?” Mass looting after the police try to arrest someone who absolutely, positively doesn’t want to be arrested? A media that is pissing on Americans and then telling them it’s raining? Buildings burned, public monuments toppled and vandalized, and civilians attacked? Downtowns that may never recover economically? Democrat politicians, celebrities and sports stars lionizing violent groups like BLM and antifa? Rolling blackouts? Public scoldings from assholes who live under different rules in gated communities? Hey, sign me up for some Joe Biden with that platform.

    The worst case scenario is nothing will change under another Trump administration if Trump is re-elected. But Trump’s trying to move in the right direction. Trump is a cheerleader for Americans, and more importantly the common American. Trump tries to put this country first. He generally does what he promises. Yes, sometimes he’s rude, crude and even lewd – but the dickheads he targets generally deserve it. People may disagree with everything Trump does, but at least he’s not a “forward into the past” progressive.

    The Democrats have less than nothing – they want to move backward. They promote a cancel culture where they not only want to cancel people who disagree with them, but technological advancements like cars, electric lights, a functioning economy and plentiful food. I haven’t heard the Democrats praise anything good about the United States except that it’s probably safe to shit in the streets if you want to. To a Democrat, the United States represents almost 250 years of evil that has accomplished nothing EXCEPT BEING THE MOST FREE AND ADVANCED SOCIETY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

    Uh, sorry – I added that last phrase although no real Democrat would ever believe our nation became great despite the Democrat party – the original party of slavery. But America did become great, and it’s time to relegate these Democrats to the trash heap of history and move on.

  2. It warmed my heart to hear all the people call in on the Demonrat line to confess they were jumping ship to PDJT. You could see the smarmy moderator trying to keep the shock from his face and failing badly., especially when minority women were swinging to PDJT. It was serendipity to watch.

    Supposedly neutral C-Span is just another shill for the demons. If the views expressed by the callers is even close to the reality the Demonrats are gonna get there assess handed to them on Nov 3.

  3. I listened to all those Democrats voting for President Trump on Wednesday night. It was great to hear their reasons as well.

    I’m sure The DNC contacted C-span on Thursday morning to change their “Call Format” or they would “Suffer The Consequences”.

  4. Good luck getting Trump out of the White house you lousy Bolshevic Communists! We’ll see yer riots and raise you with Trump 2024! The only thing different will be the first name!

  5. I’ve been searching for 3 days for the actual video/audio of those call-ins and cannot seem to find it. Does anyone have a link to that particular show. Was it Washington Journal on cspan?

  6. I just hope it’s not some prank being pulled by the Democrats to lull us into a false sense of security (my cynicism showing). And God forbid that it’s some Republican thing. I still see too many of my “friends” on Facebook complaining about Trump.


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