CA Colleges Taking A Pass on David Hogg – IOTW Report

CA Colleges Taking A Pass on David Hogg

It seems Parkland school shooting survivor and convenient mouthpiece for the gun grabbing left, David Hogg, isn’t getting into his first choice of colleges. He apparently has been California dreaming, but four of those state campuses, “UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine” have all turned down his application for admissions.  More

26 Comments on CA Colleges Taking A Pass on David Hogg

  1. Looks like Laura Ingraham caught the wrath of God because she pointed that out. The Hogg called on a boycott on her sponsors.
    Nutrish was one that caved in.

    That boy is messing with too many people. He gets on my nerves.

  2. MJA, yeah, I expected that from Rachael Ray. If I remember correctly, she’s also in bed with Oprah, like “Dr” Phill.
    I copied the list of the sponsors from wonderboy tweet:

    Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers
    1. @sleepnumber
    2. @ATT
    3. Nutrish
    4. @Allstate & @esurance
    5. @Bayer
    6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
    7. @LibertyMutual
    8. @Arbys
    9. @TripAdvisor
    10. @Nestle
    11. @hulu
    12. @Wayfair

  3. He has the SAT to make a good accountant or a crappy engineer. Unfortunately, the SAT to IQ converter shows him solidly in the politician IQ range, high 120’s.

  4. When I saw the Hogg Hilter video Bad Brad posted, his face looked so familiar.

    I was thinking of the film “The Boys from Brazil.” I wonder if someone went to Spandau prison pre-1987 and got Rudolph Hess to jack off in a bottle.

  5. He doesn’t live in California. The UC system is for California residents. They charge more for out of state tuition, but prioritize admitting students from California. The little crap weasel has a lot of nerve whining about not getting into a state college system in a state where he doesn’t reside. STFU David Hogg.


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