CA Gov. Brown worked out $1 billion in side deals to get his tax hike passed – IOTW Report

CA Gov. Brown worked out $1 billion in side deals to get his tax hike passed

Brown almost didn’t get his way, but he was able to bribe democrats and one really slimy Republican with goodies to win their votes.

He promised nearly $1 billion to lawmakers for their pet projects. Brown says the deals, or “arrangements,” were justified:

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as big as this particular transportation bill. So I would say some of the arrangements that were entailed in this process, they may look large, but relative to $52 billion, it’s all pretty modest.”

Read more @ KFI

14 Comments on CA Gov. Brown worked out $1 billion in side deals to get his tax hike passed

  1. At least the train to San Jose that Canella bargained for will get people to work and back. BWWHAHAHAHHAHA what am I saying….Canella will never deliver but the money will disappear.

  2. Aerojet Rocketdyne just announced they’re closing their Sacramento (Rancho Cordova) division yesterday. 1,100 jobs. Transferring them to their Huntsville location. Aerojets been here since Christ was a kid.

  3. What a jackass he is. One billion dollars in bribes is pretty modest compared to fleecing the taxpayers for 52 billion dollars. Doesn’t it sound like he is admitting to a crime with that statement?

  4. Oh, sure, 1,100 wage earners and the families are gonna high tail it outta there. However, 5 or 6 thousand welfare rats are going to replace them. That makes the bail out number look not so bad, and all those replacements are guarandamteed to vote democrat! At this rate, California could go belly up before the 2020 elections. Sarc/off Hope Moonbeam lives long enough to be lynched.

  5. Uncle Al, I’m sure you couldn’t get a conviction based on that statement, but it sure sounds like everyone of them are in cahoots to take care of each other. So many swamps, so little time.

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