Major Williams, a conservative Republican running for California governor, wants to eliminate state taxes, make the Golden State pro-Second Amendment, and implement public-private partnerships to efficiently solve common issues that Californians face.
“So my team, we’ve created this umbrella called the Restore California Plan,” Williams told the John Solomon Reports podcast.” “Within a Restore California Plan, we’re looking at the budget. Once we get in there, we want to do a forensic audit.
“Once we do the forensic audit, we have an opportunity to look at the wasteful spending, which California has a lot of, and reallocate those funds to specific programs; one a four-year program for small businesses, versus Gavin Newsom trying to create a billion-dollar fund right now to give away grants which small businesses get like $7,500, which does nothing.”
Eliminating the state tax and replacing it with a tourism tax is part of Williams’ plan for bringing in revenue. read more
Might work with a patriot, legacy population. I’m afraid the demographics have changed so much there that promises of free shit will win the election. (no offense Cali., looks like Texas will soon flip, we are “welcoming” hordes of new voters daily.)
Public-private partnerships are a waste of time and money and rife with fraud
Public private partnerships are just a form of fascism (private ownership with government control).
First we have to stop the Blue states from turning into GIANT Federal Tit-Sucking Parasites!
Good luck with that in the next four years! They’re gonna make Ross Perot’s “Giant Sucking Sound” seem tiny by comparison!!
Sorry Major… got my fill with B. Hussein Obama.
The Cal GOP has for 32 years given us hyper liberals that make Dem seem conservatives in comparison. So “hold your nose” and vote for the “most conservative” gives Dems win after win.
If you paid attention to the DN?C you know the man having 3 times as many “featured” speakers as #2 was GWB there were 7 GWB “Republicans” featured at the DNC 2 were liberal losers from Cal that made the Dem winner appear “conservative”.
I know nothing of Major. But I do know the Cal GOP; if he like the carpetbagger they gave us to make Gruesome look conservative (Cox for those too poor to pay attention!) is backed by the GOP he has to be liberal. Voters in Cal are conservative; consistently vote3 for the most conservative – who in most cases is a Dem!
Again know nothing of Major; but I am “searching” (popular song mu undergrad ;years = kids)
If a Bushie “vouches” for him he has to be super liberal.
Yea… Public – Private partnerships… Institutionalized corruption. He’s just looking to swap out their cronies for his.
I don’t think he stands much of a chance.
But no one thought Trump did either, so I’ll not be saying he has none, just not much of one at this point.
Who else promised Californians the same bull$hit? Arnie was one of them. Instead we got a philandering numbskull who was porking the hired help – and the citizens of California. I don’t trust any of them! Furthermore, I’ve never heard of Major Williams. I won’t be receiving any campaign crap from any of them since I’m no longer a registered Republican.
u speck me ta liv wit ‘tourism’ monie? dat not rite. muh monie need b sekur wit dem incomes frm rich white racists! deez nails n hair aint guna pay for demselfs wit ‘tourism’. git duh fuk outa hear w dat sheit. alwys hldn us folk down aintcha? gd raycis unkle tomz sell out ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
If he doesn’t turn out to be as corrupt as the rest of them, he faces an uphill battle.
[quote]stop2think March 27, 2021 at 8:34 am
Public-private partnerships are a waste of time and money and rife with fraud[/quote]
Not only that, but a species of Fascism.
Nice start, but he’s battling a flood with a bucket & a mop.