CA: How a sanctuary D.A. pleaded down a wife-beater to spare him deportation – IOTW Report

CA: How a sanctuary D.A. pleaded down a wife-beater to spare him deportation

WaEx: If you haven’t felt enough rage lately, have a look at this piece in the Daily Beast. A woman who immigrated from India, eight months pregnant, records on audio one of the typical beatings she gets from her husband, the CEO of a Silicon Valley startup who is also apparently also living in the United States on a visa. Not only can multiple physical blows be heard in the audio, but he also does what many abusers do, blaming his wife for past occasions on which he had beaten her — one of which actually resulted in a local postal worker calling the police.

The Santa Clara assistant D.A. in this case, who arrogantly told The Daily Beast that the victim’s “understanding of all the intricacies of the case are not as in depth as mine,” confirmed twice that the perpetrator’s “immigration status was a factor” in his getting a sweetheart deal from the prosecution in his case.  more here

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