CA Marxists Ramping Up Destabilization of the Golden State – IOTW Report

CA Marxists Ramping Up Destabilization of the Golden State

As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente.


ReaganBaby: Immediately following the November election, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D) to replace State Attorney General Kamala Harris, who won election to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Many wonder why Xavier Becerra was chosen by Brown. But all anyone has to do is peek into the radical California Legislature, and fanatical Gov. Jerry Brown, to see the trend of militant Marxist, Socialist, Jesuit, Liberation Theology, Latino activism on the increase.

The goal by these extremists in California is to push the state, and eventually the country to such a crisis, a reorganization is the only cure. That is what Communists do. Modern day “Progressives” as they like to be called, like Brown and Becerra, refer to themselves as Multiculturalists and Progressives. But as history very clearly demonstrates, using Marxism as the cure to anything in society is a very dark fairytale.

The term “progressive” is simply another way of saying “socialist” or “Marxist;” But it’s as important to recognize how liberation theology factors into the radical Latino lawmakers: In Latin America, the big enemy is not Marxism, it is capitalism. And the main enemy of liberation theology, according to its founder, the Rev. Gustavo Gutierrez of Peru, and many of its adherents, is the United States–Michael Novak, the author of the 1984 ”Freedom With Justice: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions.” Novak describes liberation theology as “gaining its excitement from flirting with Marxist thought and speech.”

Xavier Becerra

As Fox News pointed out in a 2003 interview on the Sean Hannitty Show, Becerra has a devout relationship with MEChA, as well as The Fabian Society. But don’t go looking for the clip; it is apparent Becerra’s people have been busy at work cleaning up his inline reputation and record.  MORE

22 Comments on CA Marxists Ramping Up Destabilization of the Golden State

  1. These Marxists are in for a rude awakening. Wait until the money dries up due to the withholding of federal funds and ordinary Americans refusing to buy California products. Including Hollywood

    You wanna fuck with us? We’re not in the mood. We’ll crater you

  2. This explains the Gun Control efforts. I’ve mentioned it here numerous times, the anti gun legislation always seems to originate from some dumb fag Hispanic law maker. As of 1-1-17 it is illegal for off duty LEO to carry Hi Cap (Normal Capacity) mags. Makes you wonder what the hell they’re planning.

  3. Judging by the number of Hispanics who risk their lives to get to America, I’m not convinced enough of those south of the border wanna see us wiped out, chopped up, destabilized, neutralized. Heck, they have all that and more right where they are.

  4. Simple solution.
    Deport their constituents.

    Ban La Raza.
    It’s an arm of the criminal drug cartels (among other criminal aspects).
    Have IRS seize everything.
    Criminalize membership.
    And deport. Deport. Deport.

    Open the ball with arrests at the next LaRaza rally. Big ICE paddy wagons.

    No bail. Fast trials. Unpleasant consequences including total seizure of all assets, down to the shoes they were wearing when arrested.

    La Raza, BLM, MS-13, they can all be broken up. Modern tech makes identification ridiculously easy.
    All it takes is the resolve.


  5. Trump really needs to take a look at the social security dept. Because they know which citizens are having their ID stolen by illegals but they will do nothing for you because they are collecting double the tax. Now, if you go to buy a house, and an illegal already bought one and let’s say foreclosed, it’s YOUR problem. A crime has been committed and SS admin has aided the perpetrator.

  6. I tell you what you lying-ass Banana eatin’ bean fart MF’ers.
    Emperor Poor Lazlo will make you a deal.
    You can have the ENTIRE State of California. Just Pay for relocation of the white folks first.
    AND you get no infrastructure. We are going to pry every single mile of cable out of the ground. We will cap all gas pipes on the Arizona/Nevada/Oregon borders. We will be taking or demolishing every building, bridge, tunnel, cell tower, power line.
    You get raw land, no power, no phone, no water from the Colorado.
    You can then sit in the dirt for the next thousand years and bitch about your circumstance.

  7. The very least you could do is learn a little history about your “…cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza.”

    There were no “Mexicans” until the Spaniards showed up and raped the Indians. The birthright you speak of belongs to the Native Americans, not to the Chicanos!

    But you don’t give a f**k about the “real” victims do you, pretendiente?

  8. I am so tired of those with an (as my Pop would say), “Alligator Mouth With a Canary Ass,”

    So assholes, do the kick off, we’ll receive, and we’ll do a run back on the first play. Otherwise, STFU.

  9. It’s not their birthright. The entire U.S. Southwest was ceded to the United States with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in the mid 1800s, because we were at war with Mexico. We kicked their asses so hard, that the fucking US Marines were in Mexico City at one point. Mexico was glad to sign over the southwest just to get the Marines out of Mexico City before they killed everyone in sight.

  10. I am so sick of this bullshit. The schools and the media never tell the truth about how the spaniards practically annihilated the incas and aztecs. This is a violent race of people. The inquisition… spaniards. Drug cartels are as violent as muslims.
    Don’t ever look at one sideways as they immediately want to fight.

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