Daily Caller: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Inspector General (IG) David Montoya quietly became the first presidentially appointed cabinet-level watchdog to leave since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.
Montoya departed sometime in June but without any public announcements. His LinkedIn page and the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s (CIGIE) website still list him as the HUD IG. The reason, terms and exact date of his departure are unclear.
Helen Albert took over as the acting IG sometime in June, according to the HUD watchdog’s official web site.
Montoya’s departure followed soon after he sent a June 9 letter to Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley in response to questions the Iowa Republican asked regarding 14 IG reports TheDCNF revealed had been withheld from the public. His letter contained factual errors, mischaracterizations and an admission of hiding HUD mismanagement IG investigators and auditors discovered. MORE
Did he leave or did he flee?
He’s no relative of mine. We always say goodbye, just after we say HELLO! ⚔️ 🤣
Dr. Ben Carson is on the job.
Speaking of The Swamp, walking past the HUD HQ in DC at quitting time is like the Federal employee version of “People Of Walmart”. The crowd looks like a ghetto Job Fair for long term welfare cases. But, these waddling buffarillas in fuzzy bedroom slippers with ID badges ARE the HUD employees.
Dr. Carson is going to need brooms. A lot of brooms. BIG brooms.
Godspeed, Doctor C.
Montoya must have been covering for Julian Castro, and he got caught by Dr. Carson.
on the run. This is getting good.
Make them all FLEE.
Dr. Carson knows how to deal with systemic infection.