Cacklin’ Harris Laughs Very Inappropriately At Poland Presser – IOTW Report

Cacklin’ Harris Laughs Very Inappropriately At Poland Presser

29 Comments on Cacklin’ Harris Laughs Very Inappropriately At Poland Presser

  1. Honestly, How could you even plow this Broad.
    She’d be cackling away as your giving your all & workin up a sweat.
    Jerry Brown must have had to pop 3 to 4 pills just to “get er done”!

  2. LCD,

    Re: Anonymous

    BFH/MJA don’t sweat it about the spammers and just ignore it. People on IOTW aren’t stoooopid enough to click anyway.

    (Except for me, I just re-discovered GIN Martini’s)


  3. Good God it’s embarrassing to have to put something like her on display to the world!!

    Kcir – I love a good Gin Martin!
    Gin (it doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive) – I personally think Gordon’s is a good, inexpensive gin, a dash of dry vermouth and some good olives – I like the one stuffed with sweet peppers.
    Bombay Saphire is my sippin gin – a little ice, a couple olives and that’s it.

  4. President Harris is to address the UN General Assembly:
    Dear Ladies, Gentlemen and distinguished guests. Before my comments on the numerous current global crises’, I have an important personal message:
    I wish,
    I was,
    An Oscar Meyer Weiner…Weiner…Weiner

  5. I’ve been in sales since 1983 and anyone that acts like that is full of s**t and knows it.

    If you can’t pick up on that in person, you deserve the pig-in-a-poke you’re about to buy.

    I want out of this deal I did not sign up for.

  6. On a different line, why did the NPR representative initially acknowledge Kamalaka Ding Dong and only added the President of Poland as an afterthought? I know that if I were in Poland for this presser, the host country President will get top billing.

  7. Giant green olives stuffed with a garlic clove are awesome!To me Gin not so much, drank a bunch of cheap shit straight with bottled lime juice before a metal show about 30 years ago while not quite drinking age yet. Puked everywhere and some fights might have been involved. Probably my fault about the Gin, and all that followed, but haven’t had any Gin since.

  8. wonky honky – I hated liver & onions until I had ’em done right!
    Try a good gin martin once (especially with those giant olives) and see if things have changed.

    BTW – Don’t combine the liver with the martin…unless you’ve had at least tee martoonis!


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