Caffeine – IOTW Report


This happens to me when I keep drinking coffee after 2pm.

18 Comments on Caffeine

  1. @0:07 I think I saw the cats fur blow in the wind vortex that was produced as a result of living…with a nut.

    And notice that cat rotates 180 to counter, but it LAYS down after that!

  2. I have taken up drinking caffeine in the morning. Couldn’t handle it before because it made me feel like I was on some kind of drug that made me feel wound up. I’ve taken up hiking the hills here and have discovered that I can easily walk 5 miles of hills and not feel tuckered out. I can relate to the dog.

  3. For me, caffeine was great for many, many years. Then the SHTF. Many ER visits, lots of money and finally diagnosed as acid reflux.

    But I still love my coffee….maybe only twice a week.

  4. Crackerybaby
    OCTOBER 26, 2020 AT 8:49 PM
    “That cat will eventually kick that toy Pom’s ass…… Ask me how I know.”

    …well, how DO you know? And please be as graphic as possible…

  5. Working high tech… I used to down 40oz of coffee before lunch… Then I hit my late 40’s, and my blood pressure started to wander up from 110/70 to 130/90… So now I get by on maybe half that…

    And now the Internet sucks… πŸ™‚

  6. I bought a six pack of tiramisu at Costco. Two of the kids didn’t like it and I’m such a cheap bastard anything the kids don’t eat I eat myself. I was still so wound up at 5:00AM I was waiting around to mow the lawn.

    Now here’s the one to end all. I had a girlfriend in college who worked in the bookstore. They had welcome packs, male ones with shave cream etc and female with tampons etc. The manager gave students three days and then into the trash, or in my case my girl and I took them home. I has disposable razors for a decade and shave cream and she had a couple microwave oven Boxes of tampons. Also in there were some kind of speed tablets. So me being so cheap, I put them in mason jars. What the hell I intended to ever use them for is anyone’s guess. But ya’ never know.

    Mom happened to be in Montana about a year later and was not due home for a few days when at 03:30 I hear the vacuum running upstairs. I go up and take a peak and there is mom going at it like she was possessed. I’m thinking, WTF. I wake up and get ready for class and she has a duster of some kind and is still going to beat hell. I went to class and then did a shift on the draw bridge and got home at 1 am and she is out colder than a wedge.

    Slept for 48 hours and came too like nothing had happened. Seems she was headed home and passes Spokane feeling fine and decided to just come on in. By the time she got to Ritzville the sun was going down and she was feeling a bit tuckered out and had put some of those pills in her purse just in case she ever needed them. So she took a couple and chased em down with a can of Starbucks Double Shot.

    By the time she got to Moses Lake she was waking up, by the time she went through Ellensburg she was wide awake and when she cleared Cle Elum she said she could have carried the car over the pass on her back. She got in at midnight and by the time I woke up has cleaned out the refrigerator, cleaned two bathrooms, washed and folded a couple loads of clothes and vacuumed half the house.

    She finally burned out at about 5:00 pm and laid down and laid right there like a lump for two days. The first thing she did when she woke up is flush every last one of those pills down the toilet.


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