Caffeine and Xanax Found In US Blood Supply – IOTW Report

Caffeine and Xanax Found In US Blood Supply

U.K. Daily Mail

Stress levels are at a record high in the US – and it shows.

In a recent study by Oregon State University, researchers found caffeine in 100 percent of blood samples that were destined for blood transfusions, and traces of Xanax, an anti-anxiety medication, in 72 percent.

The team studied 18 batches of pure human blood serum that had been donated to blood banks, but were passed to biomedical suppliers as they neared their expiration date. Here

Many samples contained traces of cough medicine. More

According to the Red Cross, only about 38% of us are eligible to give blood, while only 3% ever do. Here

28 Comments on Caffeine and Xanax Found In US Blood Supply

  1. I used to give blood regularly and was a certified CMV negative donor for pediatrics. Then I contracted Lyme disease and babesia from a tick bite. I stopped donating right away. Even though that doesn’t prevent me from donating I would never want to risk even the slightest possibility of that being transferred to someone else.

  2. Being the liberal state of Oregon I am quite surprised the percentage of caffeine and xanax isn’t much higher knowing that liberals never give away anything that is important to them which leaves the non-liberals that are subjected to liberal assholerism to do the blood donating.

  3. M D Anderson cancer center hospital will only use
    blood they draw out of someones arm at their
    blood center.They don’t draw it,then they ain’t
    using it.If there is ANYTHING in your blood they
    will reject it.I went twice when my wife was being
    treated there.Would cost a small fortune to have
    blood work done like that and I got it for free.
    They even give you a full report.

  4. Hold on there! Caffeine is a drug? Holy crap! Call the Mayo clinic and tell them I’m in the car and can’t talk because I have a cup of coffee in my right hand. ☕
    Am I even allowed to drive on caffeine?
    And what the hell is Xanax?

  5. Get in a car wreck anywhere in Africa and
    pass out.You wake up in the hospital and see
    an IV with whole human blood drip drip drip into
    your body.You scream and rip the needle out of
    your arm…,but it is too late,you all ready took
    half a bag.Now roll them bonz Baby cause you now
    got a 50/50 that you have AIDS and God knows
    what else in your body… FOREVER!

  6. Just remember Xanandnazx,Prosac,Zoloft
    all pass from you to the sewer system and
    then the critters in the rivers and oceans
    get a taste…Can’t imagine what could go wrong.

  7. I donate blood relatively regularly…… that stated, I am sure mine is full of caffeine and alcohol….
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  8. I used to give blood until Red Cross changed the rules, “if you have lived in Europe for six consecutive months since 1980…..” something something something about CJD (Cruezfeld Jacobs Disease), the human variant of Mad Cow or Wasting Disease (deer).
    I keep asking, has anyone done any research into finding out if I even HAVE this CJD? So far (cricket……cricket……cricket……..)

  9. Could be lots worse. Big Pharma killed my younger brother with HIV positive clotting factor.

    Him and many many other hemophiliacs.

    Been real lucky with over a dozen surgeries and never needed a transfusion. Another scheduled in a couple of weeks. Donate your own for use by you before procedures if you can…

  10. “Get in a car wreck anywhere in Africa and pass out.You wake up in the hospital and see an IV with whole human blood drip drip drip into your body.You scream and rip the needle out of
    your arm…,but it is too late,you all ready took half a bag.Now roll them bonz Baby cause you now got a 50/50 that you have AIDS and God knows what else in your body… FOREVER!”

    You’re welcome. It’s just our 21st century update of “Death…by bufu!”

  11. I donate blood every 120 days (double reds; have to wait that long & have to have a high iron count) & I have a cup (or more) of coffee before going … along w/ a decent breakfast & additional bottles of water before I go … it is actually encouraged … keeps your blood cell count up & keeps you hydrated so your veins are visible & don’t collapse

    never had a problem yet … knock on wood

  12. I used to donate fairly regularly. Then I got Lymphoma, that permanently disqualifies me from being a blood or organ donor. During the course of my cancer treatmen, I got at least 25 whole blood transfusions and around 12 or 15 platelet transfusions. I then spent the next 2 years after my treatment getting hepatitis and HIV tests.

    At least now I know why I always felt better after getting a blood transfusion.

  13. My sister was diagnosed of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) in early last year , our doctor told us there is no permanent cure for the CJD condition, she was given medications to slow down the progress of the disease, at the initial stage it was not so bad till it progressed to the end stage were she had difficulties going about her daily functions as she constantly had difficulty speaking,mental confusion,blurred vision include, we were all totally devastated not until my daughter’s co-worker told us about a herbal formula from totalcureherbsfoundation .com which has the right herbal formula for my sister Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease , when I contact this herbal foundation through their email totalcureherbalfoundation@ gmail. com I wasn’t certain the herbal treatment will get rid of herbal disease not until she complete the treatment as instructed, she will be resuming her work next month because this herbal cure seriously reverse her condition which we never expected ,im referring this to anybody at there suffering from this condition and they have assurance about this treatments

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