Cage Match – Reader’s Choice – IOTW Report

Cage Match – Reader’s Choice

Peter, Paul, and Mary beat The Milk Carton Kids in Match #15.

On this thread, readers will put in ONE band per comment that they want to see in a cage match. The top four will be chosen.

***Multiple bands suggested in one comment will be disqualified (I may even delete the comment). A band that was previously in battle will not be counted. (I may delete that one too.)

Those four bands will do battle. The band that comes in first (with a thumbs up) will play the fourth-place finisher. Bands two and three will compete against one another.

After we find our next two winners (via the reader’s choices for the last two-band cage matches), I will resurrect three bands (at my discretion) from the loser bracket.

That will give us 20 finalists.

The next five battles will have four bands in the cages for each battle. (I will pick them out of a hat – honest injun.)

There will be five winners + the highest thumbs for a second-place winner.

Those six winners will go one-on-one in 3 battles (picked out of a hat.)

That will leave 3 bands plus the highest second-place finisher.

The final four will go one-on-one (picked out of a hat.)

Then, we will have the winner-take-all battle.

If you’ve followed all of these instructions and understood them, give yourself a star, because I don’t.

Let the nominations begin in this thread! We’ll keep it open for at least 24 hours.


47 Comments on Cage Match – Reader’s Choice

  1. Local, so perhaps I’m prejudiced and won’t make the cut.
    Back in the day as it were when things were free and wild reliving the memories.
    Work the crowd for after the gig.
    Not with this group though.

    60’s in the burbs of Shitcago
    Hook and the boys, under rated and great live…
    You would half to have seen or know them to get the reference above.
    Cryan Shames

    Half dozen to pick through…

    And if you must…

    Good times!

  2. Yes, there were multiple links (many), but all only “ONE band per comment.”


    Or were these guys already included?

    Being the usual pain-in-the-ass.

    Mr. Big?

  3. Guess I’ll try some Motown and pick the Temptations.
    I grew up 50 miles from Detroit so I grew up on the stuff.
    I liked a lot of it.
    Plus you got fancy dancing and shiny outfits.


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