CAIR Demands Firing of Barista Who Called a Woman Named Aishah, ‘ISIS’ – IOTW Report

CAIR Demands Firing of Barista Who Called a Woman Named Aishah, ‘ISIS’

PJ Media: If anti-Muslim hate crimes do not exist, they must be invented. They’re simply too politically useful to do without. And so it is that the Minnesota chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a press conference Monday to demand the firing of a Starbucks barista who was so “Islamophobic” as to write “ISIS” on a Muslim woman’s coffee cup. CAIR also announced that it had filed a discrimination complaint with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights about the incident. If you think that the world is on fire and that CAIR should find more important things to be enraged about, you’re right, but there is a method to CAIR’s obsession with triviality, albeit a sinister one.

According to Sahan Journal, the hate crime took place last Wednesday, when a hijab-wearing Muslim woman went into the Starbucks that is inside the Midway Target in St. Paul, Minn., and ordered a drink. She told the barista her name, and the barista wrote it on a cup.

So far so good. But “Islamophobia” broke out when the customer received her drink and found that the barista had written “ISIS” on the cup.

The woman’s name? Aishah.

16 Comments on CAIR Demands Firing of Barista Who Called a Woman Named Aishah, ‘ISIS’

  1. I’d want to see the cup. Maybe compare handwriting.
    But since that can be faked, I’d want to see any security video.
    No security video? Then I’d say you tampered with the cup yourself.
    Have a nice day, CAIR……somewhere else.

  2. Whatsa madda with “Isis” anyway? She was a major figure in Egyptian mythology. A Bid Deal; very powerful. Read up on the Osiris Myth and you’ll see.

    After her husband, the god Osiris, was murdered by his brother Set, Isis raised Osiris from the dead and they conceived their son, Horus.

  3. We had a database system called ISIS in the broadcast industry. Integrated Set of Information Systems. Nobody had kittens that we were implementing ISIS servers except the fiduciary organs of the company. They had kittens every step of the way, but the fact was using optical discs and Betacam for editing and content pushes was always a disaster. The tape library was huge, filled with employees who became bureaucrats and eventually tin-pot cocksuckers. They worked themselves out of a job by being asswipes.

    They all ended up shitcanned, and the “library” became a 10th of the size in floor space. It needed a lot of cooling though.

    But the best part was you could type some shit into a computer and get whatever you wanted and didn’t have to deal with some faggot with body-odor issues, a shitty attitude, and a union card.

  4. The same union cocksuckers who tried again and again to erase optical discs in the tape monster. We even found forks and spoons in the tape eraser. What was even funnier was the yogurt in the tape machine. And then DVDs in their cases. As if putting the DVD in its case made them erase better.

    Anyway, that’s the only ISIS I ever met.

  5. The whole “hate crime” concept is anti-Constitutional, anyway.
    Either every crime is a “hate” crime or no crime is a “hate” crime.

    If I walk up behind you on a street and kill you without screaming “CRACKER” it doesn’t mean that I don’t have “hate” in my heart. Shooting into a crowd of pre-schoolers is an act of love? Siphoning $Billions out of a $Trillion dollar “bail-out” bullshit bill is kindness? Stealing 70% of the $22 Trillion wasted on Welfare since 1964 is “noble?” Two fags raping and murdering a 13 year old boy, choking him to death with his own underwear, is significant of something other than “hate?”

    If this is the worst thing this moslema must endure in her life, she should count herself lucky – or blessed – to whatever source these Satanists confer luck or blessings.

    Fuck her and the carpet she flew in on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I am horrible with names. I would probably be guilty of putting something else on the cup, too – like Raghead or Goat F#@%er. But first and foremost, I would NEVER be caught working or spending money at a Starbucks.


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