CAIR Publishes Enemies List Under Guise of “Confronting Fear” – IOTW Report

CAIR Publishes Enemies List Under Guise of “Confronting Fear”

Reading like a Who’s Who List, the Council of on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and UC Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender put together a report of organizations and individuals they claim “either promotes Islamophobic ideas or actually demonstrates prejudice and/or hatred against Muslims.”

The story includes links to the groups and individuals with quite a few familiar names and one glaring omission. We’re going to have to try harder apparently.


11 Comments on CAIR Publishes Enemies List Under Guise of “Confronting Fear”

  1. HEY! Where is BFH on the list?

    Change your name to Big Fur Turban and find yourself on the Revised Edition coming out next month.

    While you’re at it, change the name to iOwnTheNorooz. ๐Ÿ™‚

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