Caitlyn Jenner – IOTW Report

Caitlyn Jenner

So, Bruce wants to be called Caitlyn and the left tells me he is really a woman. Let’s examine this ridiculousness a little further, shall we?

Bruce says he’s still attracted to women. Since I’m a Neanderthal that doesn’t, at all, understand the finer nuances of these permutations, let me just ask a question.

Let’s say I find a “woman” exactly like Caitlyn. Would Caitlyn ever sleep with that “woman”?

Bruce says he’s not attracted to penis, he’s attracted to women. But Caitlyn is a woman, and Bruce would never sleep with anyone like the woman “Caitlyn.”

Game. Set. Match.

STFU left, you have no idea how stupid you sound to people with an IQ over 55.


45 Comments on Caitlyn Jenner

  1. There should be a law against the left making me ill. I feel bullied.

    I would rather practice bleeding.

    Sure glad “she” is too old to multiply.

  2. Let’s see now, a man who is a woman who doesn’t like woman but can’t be with men because he is a man and doesn’t like men but can’t get a woman because he is a man who is
    a woman who is a man who likes women but doesn’t like men even though he is a man who
    is a woman who likes women! Wow, sure glad I understand that reasoning otherwise it would seem confusing!

  3. Time to rewrite Moby Dick
    Call me Caitlyn. Some sixty-five ago- too long for my taste- having my favorite “to-be” picture in my purse, and tired of peeing standing up anymore, I decided to emerge from my cocoon, see what I’m running from?

    Or something like that…

  4. Oy. Is that thing inside an insane asylum with its hands behind its back for its own safety or something? Odd sort of strait jacket they use these days.

    I think it is time for me to buy a million acres in the middle of nowhere and put a house right in the middle of it and pretend none of this sort of sick lunacy exists.

  5. If this is what passes for “sophistication” in the rich/Hollywood crowd, then I’m proud to be a “hick” from flyover country.

    @Tim – people are embracing this shit because it’s easier to be immoral than to be self aware and care about being a moral and truly educated person.

  6. Everybody here should be reported for hateful, hurtful and bullying comments. Caitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman. And I welcome her to the world.

  7. I was warned to stay away from the cover of Vanity Fair today, now I know why.

    I wonder what the Kardashian mom is telling her 6 year when they go to the grocery story now?

  8. C M A,
    Larry is someone’s alter ego.
    A provocateur, if you will.

    Don’t know to whom he belongs, though.

    Spelling and grammar are too good to be a troll.

    Mr. Hat doesn’t tolerate serious sock-puppetry.

  9. Quite strikingly the metaphor for Prog America’s insanity, self-mutilation and, as was stated above, impending suicide.

    We are ripe for EMP-paved invasion.

  10. He/she/it should really be named Bertha Mae, Gertrude, Seglinda, Maxine, Trixie, etc. or worse Jezebel or Hepzibah. He needs some dogs to play with because they’ll be the only ones that will play with him as long as he has a bone hanging from his neck. Sorry, Brucie but you’re a guy, guys come equipped with dicks you know. And just when is he scheduled for the chopadickoffofme surgery?

  11. BoB
    06/01/2015 at 2:39 pm

    “Let’s see now, a man who is a woman who doesn’t like woman but can’t be with men because he is a man and…”

    Bob! NO! STOP! Fuck man, you gave me a headache just getting that far.

    You’re going to bust a vein in your noggin if you’re going to try to keep things straight and make some kind of sense of it all. It never stops.

    Next thing you’ll try is keeping all the letters straight when they issue another add-on to the LGBTOIWEHGVOIE dumbassery. Which should be shortened to ABS – Anything But Straight – and be done with it.

    A lot of peace to be had in the “Whatever! I’m not playing that game with you.” world.

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