Cajun Navy Taking Fire? – IOTW Report

Cajun Navy Taking Fire?

The Daily Caller ran a story yesterday on looters attempting to steal the boats from volunteers from Louisiana, the Cajun Navy,  who have come to rescue those flooded out in East Texas. There’s a clip of an alleged witness stating shots were fired by the looters.


Breitbart ran a similar story  Here

The story generated some nasty racist responses in the comment section of the Daily Caller and Houston police have stated this morning that no one has reported such an incident.


15 Comments on Cajun Navy Taking Fire?

  1. I’ve also read that parts of Cajun Navy have packed up and left (so, don’t wonder why they haven’t reported it) because of NASTY RACIST SHOOTERS, who hadn’t anticipated “nasty racist responses” to their actions.

    But I guess that makes it “even,” huh?! (/s)

  2. Since at least the Detroit riot, I thought it was the responsibility of the LE to shoot looters on sight.

    At the very least they should be taser shot, or rubber bullet, then arrested.

    LE is more concerned with saving lives right now, and that’s good.

    What we need is a bunch of American-Korean businessmen on the roof tops, they’re not afraid to protect property.

    But, if the looters are only taking diapers and baby food it should be allowed.

  3. I don’t doubt the Cajun Navy. The last time I looked they have brown and white skin in the rescue business.
    Damn shame people have to inject race in a human tragedy.

    I did see this fine joke in the Daily caller comments.
    Two alligators were sitting at the side of the swamp near the lake. The smaller one turned to the bigger one and said, “I can’t understand how you can be so much bigger than me. We’re the same age; we were the same size as kids. I just don’t get it.”

    “Well,” said the big gator,”what have you been eating?”

    “Politicians, same as you,”replied the small gator.

    “Hmm….. Well, where do you catch them?”

    “Down the other side of the swamp near the parking lot by the Capitol.”

    “Same here. Hmm…. How do you catch them?”

    “Well, I crawl up under one of their Lexus cars and wait for one to unlock the car door. Then I jump out, grab them by the leg, shake the shiit out of them and eat ’em!”

    “Same here.” says the big gator. “Do you eat Democrats or Republicans?”

    “I eat only the Democrats”says the little guy.

    “Ah!” says the big gator. “I think I see your problem. You’re not getting any real nourishment. You see, by the time you finish shaking the shiit out of a Democrat, there’s nothing left but an a$$hole and a briefcase.”

  4. It’s more important that the boats are there so the Governor should order a Guardsman into each boat to assist and protect. Wouldn’t hurt to have a pair of eyes with an assault rifle and a radio watching for looting either.

  5. The Daily Caller under cut their own story with the follow up from the Houston Police. Maybe that was an intentionally politically motivated statement from a Democrat dominated government maybe not.

  6. Not sure how accurate the reports are but I do know Texas honors the Louisiana Concealed Carry permit. You can bet the boys from Louisiana remember experiences from previous storm, will be armed and prepared. Texas has a “Stand Your Ground” law so you are not required to back down in a situation. And, while you cannot open carry a handgun, you are allowed to open carry a rifle or shotgun with some exceptions such as grocery stores, movie theaters, etc.

    The Cajun Navy as well as people coming from other parts of Texas with john boats and equipment will not be moving through neighborhoods as individuals. They will quickly organize as teams, perhaps with assigned overwatch. As we say, “This ain’t their first rodeo.”

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