Cal State University System Going Virtual – IOTW Report

Cal State University System Going Virtual

As uncertainty about the spread of COVID-19 continues, the biggest university system in the United States decided this week to make fall term classes virtual, one of the first to do so, amid fears of a second wave of infections in the month ahead.

California State University said almost all classes across its 23 university campuses would be online at least until the end of the fall term. Programs such as the maritime academy, which holds classes aboard a training ship, may be among a handful of exceptions. The Cal State university system serves 482,000 students.

“As the largest four-year system of higher education in the country, while the spotlight is on us in terms of the decision, we weren’t hoping to influence anyone,” said Cal State spokesperson Mike Uhlenkamp.

“This is a decision that the chancellor and the campus presidents arrived at that we feel is in the best interests of our students and our employees.”

Read it here.

19 Comments on Cal State University System Going Virtual

  1. How are they gonna do virtual sculpture, metal smithing. pottery, print making, fiber art. etc?….Ya know, back in the day, in order to cheat and plagiarize things I had to go to the library and appear to turn pages of books….

  2. The chances of getting Covid in San Diego County are 0.0009…
    9 Chances in 10,000 and will go down as it gets warmer,
    And citizens have to wear masks for 2 years,
    Some stinking politician got a boatload of money for forcing this crap on citizens,
    And have every citizen wear a mask, what bullshit!!!
    This is a political gas lighting, there is no medical reason for this at all,
    What has happened to the land of the free,
    I can wear a mask if I want or not wear one,
    it is up to me,
    How will herd immunity ever develop if everyone wears a mask?
    This idea is dumber than dirt.

  3. Then there should be a drastic reduction in tuition fees…right? No facility upkeep, no need to provide housing, or meals. Should be way cheaper than in the past, shouldn’t it?

  4. Ann Nonymous Prime,



    Is the actual link

    Everything else, especially the token, is a PIDstring that was either left by the original poster or is your PIDstring of the search you did for the link.

  5. Some enterprising yoot will craft an app so everybody gets “A”‘s without even being able to read and we’ll have a future class of total dumbshits with Masters Degrees……..O, wait……..

  6. I just finished my last full semester at Cal State East Bay. I’ll graduate with BS in nursing after the summer semester. Lucky for me the last year of the program is mainly online anyways. I feel bad for nursing students less far along than me. How will they get clinical experience?

  7. I have a friend who is trying to teach Graphic Arts online. Nothing has been more stressful. Not meeting face to face, not actually looking at projects, not interacting with the students and cracking their asses to turn in assignments. Graphic Arts is nothing to nursing, medicine, mechanics, plumbing, you name it without FTF instruction. Bill Whittle is a national gem. Thank you @JDHasty for posting.

  8. Russian Bot May 16, 2020 at 4:50 pm

    If you are graduating with a BS in nursing, one would think that you would be smart enough to know that the word “anyway” does not have an “s” in it. The word is not “anyways”. I guess that shows us what type of education you have received from the California education system.

  9. Oh hell just add up the total cost of obtaining a college degree over a four year period, bill them that amount and send them a diploma in their field of choice! Problem solved and everybody is happy!

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