Calgary’s “Troublesome” Pastor Arrested For Defying COVID Restrictions – IOTW Report

Calgary’s “Troublesome” Pastor Arrested For Defying COVID Restrictions

Calgary Herald

Calgary police have arrested street preacher Artur Pawlowski after he failed to abide by public health orders again during a Saturday church service during which dozens were congregating without masks, with no regard for physical distancing.

His brother, Dawid Pawlowski, was also taken into custody.

Both have been charged with organizing an illegal in-person gathering, in addition to “requesting, inciting or inviting others” to join them, said the Calgary Police Service in a statement. More

Apparently, mosques are still allowed to operate freely in Canada. Here

14 Comments on Calgary’s “Troublesome” Pastor Arrested For Defying COVID Restrictions

  1. The arrested one in Ontario at almost the exact same time.

    I was coming home from riding and the Costco parking lot was very full with the gas bar’s usual waiting line. They are open, apparently with inside capacity limits, but small stores are closed with curbside only. Our government is constantly talking mental health but apparently that does not include religion.

    Both provinces are run by our Conservatives. FUCKORS! Can’t blame Turdo for this one.

  2. A precursor of what is to come, this is the exact template that will be used to persecute all Christians as the end times approach.

    Satan is alive and well in Canada and blue controlled America is a close second.

  3. Unbelievable. This man is a hero. I kicked in a few bucks for the sure to come grinding legal fight.

    WTF is wrong with Canada, never would have thought they’d go full Nazi like this.

  4. …seems like the police only enforce illegal “laws” against decent citizens. Maybe time to rethink this whole “Defund” thing.

    …the Mad Max universe is actually an IMPROVEMENT. At least you can DEFEND yourself THERE…


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