Cali Gov Elect Newsom Snubs Police Officer’s Funeral To Go o Basketball Game – IOTW Report

Cali Gov Elect Newsom Snubs Police Officer’s Funeral To Go o Basketball Game


Just when we thought politicians in California couldn’t get any more horrible, Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom proved us wrong.

Apparently the reason he was absent from Cpl. Singh’s funeral yesterday was because he was too busy watching the Sacramento Kings play basketball.


28 Comments on Cali Gov Elect Newsom Snubs Police Officer’s Funeral To Go o Basketball Game

  1. Well, this gunis whone is.

    Obama lowered the bar of what American.leaders’ social priorities are, a clueless lib like Newsome simply follows suit.

    Obama would be playing golf after the attacks on 9/11. Newsome would probably organize an orgy.

    We have the bottom of the barrel in high positions of power.

  2. Jerry Brown, Feinstein, Kamal Harris, and Pelosi weren’t there either. Somehow, the Ambassador to the US from Fiji was able to find time. It would shameful if it wasn’t so predictable.

  3. Whenever I hear liberals speak of our wonderful troops, first responders, dead heroes, etc. I just shake my head. I know they don’t mean it. They just don’t give a phuck! Newsom is proof of that. Scumbag!
    Add what Corky said.

  4. Mr. BFH- I love you guys but this hijacking of my tablet is about to make me tired. “Cheaters always cheat”and crap like that. It is very repulsive. Any enlightenment will be sorely appreciated. WND does the same thing. Thank you for your trouble and time.

  5. On the other hand maybe the Governor had just received a secret briefing on just how bad things truly are in Cali and how much trouble the previous moron got them into he just said “fuck it, I’m going to be run out of town on a hi-speed rail in a few years anyway so screw the image, I’m goin have me some fun”.

  6. I’m with @JD on this one. I wouldn’t want a shitpickle democrat politician standing on my corpse to elevate his career during my funeral.

    Go to the game. You don’t care about me. I am embarrassed by you.

    God bless corporal Singh and bring peace to his family.

  7. His sanctuary policies killed a police officer but he knows the media won’t hold him accountable for that or not giving a crap publicly. Must be great to be a democrat.

  8. Navin Gruesome might eventually make

    Cherry Brown

    Look like an even-handed reasonable man

    But it will only be BY COMPARISON.

    And I haven’t mentioned Mr Gruesome’s


  9. I remember when over 100,000 people showed up to protest Obamacare at the White House and Obama left to go to a campaign rally with union workers in Michigan.

    Likewise, I remember how the peaceful tea partiers who cleaned up after themselves were treated:

    Newsom is young enough and photogenic enough that commies will vote for them. Whatever makes college educated spinster cat ladies wet in their yoga pants at Whole Foods.

    I eagerly await the police union’s endorsement of Newsom for the governor’s mansion. Oops…too late:

  10. Cliche.

    I was at the DC rally. It was something. Your link didn’t take me there though
    I was also at the Obama government shut down with the barrycades keeping the WWII. vets out of their new memorial. That was a hell of a day when the barrycades came down. A great American day during the dark Obama years. Strapping young bucks tossing aside Les Nessman’s silly little barrycades.

  11. Police, please stop providing any protection for all Democrats who are a-holes regarding first responders and the military. They deserve zero protection since they shit on real Americans.

    If you disagree, just remember the treachery of the Democrats regarding our troops in Iraq. Think of the police killed recently by BLM agitation. Think of the illegal aliens like MS-13 and their murders.

  12. Didn’t think anyone could out do Jerry Brown, but I was wrong. The stupid liberal democraps are like flowers, blooming f**king idiots.Better that Newsom didn’t attend, I would not have wanted him there at mine.I would feel sorry for the people of California, but you voted him in , live with your mistake.RIP Officer Singh

  13. he’s becoming more and more of a jerrys brown nose kid. now that trump called their bluff and showed them that they’re both asses during the 2018 fires and pledged $$$ to the cause and cleanup, this is all newscum can come up with to say F U to the state and its people and the police that put lives in harms way. well it won’t surprise me when chp and other state and local security starts calling in sick. support the police, they support you.

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