California Assembly Passes “Kidnapping Bill” – IOTW Report

California Assembly Passes “Kidnapping Bill”

Tell Me How This Ends Substack

AB 665, which would expand the population of minors who can receive mental health treatment without parental consent — including treatment in residential care facilities, which means the forced removal of children from their families despite the absence of abuse or neglect — has advanced through the California Assembly, and now awaits action in the Senate. I’ve written about the bill before, and the characterization of it as a “kidnapping bill” by critics, but the debate on the floor of the Assembly last week said all of the quiet parts out loud. The debate was calm, collegial, restrained, and breathtakingly insane. More

8 Comments on California Assembly Passes “Kidnapping Bill”

  1. receive mental health treatment without parental consent — including treatment in residential care/

    It doesn’t stop there, your kid can transition without your consent. Another reason why I’m not a grandparent. Our children couldn’t embrace what the government had planned for their children and they said “no thanks.”

  2. The dominant paradigm in therapy is that anyone who or anything that makes the patient feel bad or uncomfortable about their thoughts, decisions and actions must be removed, and by extension, anyone or anything that gets in the therapists way must be removed. It is a combination of hyper-enabling, grooming and brainwashing.

    When this is combined with what is happening socioculturally, through social media, entertainment, sports and news, the pressure to conform to these new, formerly aberrant, norms is tremendous.

  3. Setting aside the fact that this should have caused parents to descend on Sacramento in numbers that make January 6th look like a jazz club crowd, the proposition here is that your children are to be raised according to the standards of sanity as determined by a State approved therapist.

    Bear in mind that if your child gets their “sanity” by stud, the child looks a lot like the father.

    And those guys have a very high suicide rate.

    Also, this effectively means that following the teachings of ALL of the major religions will get your children removed from your house at the whim of the State as they all condemn practices the State supports.

    Islam, as always, will get a pass.

    Hinduism and Buddhism, maybe.

    But Christianity and Judaism?

    This outlaws you raising your children in your faith completely.

  4. “Setting aside the fact that this should have caused parents to descend on Sacramento in numbers that make January 6th look like a jazz club crowd”

    They don’t know about it. This type of bull shit is not covered on the local news. I will guarantee you I might have three acquaintances that are aware of it. Not one of my neighbors will know about it. Nor will anybody else I come into contact with during my day to day. I’m not sure if it’s just Cali., but a lot of people seem to be checking out. They’re not interested in what’s going on around them and if it’s not on news a 5:00 on channel 10, they’ll never hear about it. The only place you can find the truth anymore is on blogs like this.

  5. Honestly, for me the biggest reason to leave wasn’t the crime, wasn’t the high taxes, it was the laws that are going to destroy the next generation. I keep telling friends I have in CA with children to get out for their sake.
    And it isn’t just Newsom, it is a 3/4 Dem legislature that agrees with him, and with Scott Wiener the pedophile.

  6. I wait longingly for the day when the Cali base rises up and tears these asinine fools limb from limb. I bitterly hope one of the last sounds they hear will be the laughter of Flyover Country as we revel in their misery.

  7. @Don Draper: Nah, went to a Sarah Palin rally in Sacto years ago. Protests don’t work. Joined the Tea Party. That no longer exists. Not saying it can’t be done, just saying I’ve seen it done and what are the results? I’m up for moving outta here, I hope it happens within the next 2 years.


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