California calls on homeowners to help house the homeless – IOTW Report

California calls on homeowners to help house the homeless

SAN JOSE, Calif. — As the Bay Area continues to struggle under the weight of its homelessness crisis, officials and nonprofits are asking local residents to do more than hand out meals or donate spare change. They’re asking them to open up their homes.

Nearly 30,000 people are unhoused in the five-county Bay Area, and there isn’t nearly enough room in the region’s existing affordable housing developments. To fill the gaps, service providers increasingly are recruiting private landlords to take in homeless tenants. Some property owners are renting out entire units in exchange for agreements that the government or a nonprofit will cover the rent. Others are offering up spare bedrooms in their homes – sometimes in exchange for a small stipend, and sometimes as a purely charitable act.

But it’s hard to find owners willing to take a chance on someone down on their luck. At least one program recently ended because of a lack of landlord interest. more

46 Comments on California calls on homeowners to help house the homeless

  1. Go down to their camps and see how they live. There’s plenty of empty military bases around. Open them up and put them there. A homeless person is the last thing I’d have stepping foot on my driveway. I’d take in a feral cat or dog before I’d take in a feral human being any day. I can control feral cats and dogs, but not feral humans. F OFF – AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN.

  2. The state used to house these people…in prisons and asylums. Now that they’ve allowed them to run free, someone has to pay the price. Well, Gavin Newsome needs to lead by example.

  3. Oh Yea. I can put one on the couch and one can
    sleep in my office and 3 in the spare bedroom.
    2 in my workshop and 1 in the garden shed.
    One big happy family….

  4. Move drug addicted bums into homes of wealthy liberals who support the communist party. THEY and they alone are responsible for the mess they created. Nothing cures liberalism faster than becoming a victim of their own belief.

  5. I’m very surprised they didn’t level epithets such as “unhumanitarian!” or “elitist!” with their request. They don’t often start out without their projections.

  6. Hey all you homeless people there is free communal housing now available in California! Adopt a family that lives on the beach and learn to surf! Don’t forget to take your free Biden provided dope pipes with you to share with their kiddies!

  7. Looks like there is about to be a virtue signalling drought in Silicon Valley as all the say-gooders realize they’re being setup to be the do-gooders they never intended on being.

  8. Tony R FEBRUARY 10, 2022 AT 9:40 AM
    “The state used to house these people…in prisons and asylums. ”

    …I was what they call now frontline EMS/Fire when they first started to deinstitutionalize, and as a result I spent a LOT of time with families who agreed to warehouse the insane in their own homes for a small stipend and a VERY short and VERY incomplete training from the County on dealing with the loosely wired.

    I do not know what the core of that training was, but from my perspective it was “Here’s a phone number to call if you have any issues, they will come and take care of it”, and that phone number was 911.

    Which is why I was involved. Putting out fires started by crazy people dealing with assaults, some sexual, some not, from crazy people; finding crazy people who wandered away from their keepers in frigid weather to go live under a bridge like they were used to; transporting suicidal crazy people because of of the physical damage; transporting homicidal crazy people because the cops red tagged them to the hospital; and on the other side, dealing with crazy people who had been assaulted, raped, or otherwise abused or starved by their now-unhappy keepers who decided they didn’t like the crazy people but did like the money, and took full advantage of the situation.

    This, and more, is what happens when the untrained try to take on crazy people.

    Homeless people are not homeless randomly. Homeless people are homeless for a reason.

    That reason usually being that they they are not sane.

    Agreeing to house people you do not know who are not sane will have severe, possibly fatal, consequences for you and your family, not to mention possible severe legal and financial consequences as well, not just you but for your neighbors (one of my fire calls was for a guy who’s house got set on fire by the warehoused crazy person next door, apparently because “he’s the devil”).

    Ever been to a mental ward? No belts, no sheets, soft, removable doors on the shower stalls so the patients can’t brain themselves or others with them, all the fixtures protected to a fare the well, the windows narrow and unbreakable, and someone giving the inmates the hairy eyeball every 15 minutes at least even while asleep, all so they don’t kill themselves or others.

    Are you prepared like THAT?

    Oh, and no guns, knives, forks or breakable plastic untensils please, seach for “Shiv” and “Shank” for many, many more details.

    Also, crazy people can be pychopathic, and as such have no pity, no remorse, no hesitation, and – worse – give NO indication when they are going to become violent. Think the character Tommy Lee Jones played in Sling Blade or how your cat can suddenly turn on you for an idea.

    Oh, and crazy people do NOT hold back, not even if hurting YOU hurts THEM. You get their SINCERELY best effort to kill you, 100% all-in, and injury and pain may not affect them the way you THINK it will, or at ALL.

    …you want some of THAT?

    …Good luck…

  9. It’s important to remember that if the Commie’s succeed, they won’t be asking you to take in the homeless. You will take them in. More than likely, your home will no longer belong to you anyway. It will belong to the government.

  10. Even if you can keep homeless out of your house, the government will just buy the house next door and convert it to a group house. Overnight and without notifying you.

    Ask me how I know?

  11. So what if a homeowner takes in a homeless stranger, but they have children living in the home? What about their safety? Some will do this purely for the money. Once again, our children are not the priority. CA is so messed up. Ill probably never visit the once wonderful town of San Francisco, home of Piglosi.


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