UPDATE: California: Complete failure at Oroville Dam – IOTW Report

UPDATE: California: Complete failure at Oroville Dam

This Web Suck — We Have Non-Suck Update from Eternal Cracker:

American Thinker: The $1.1 billion spent to repair Oroville Dam is failing as water is seeping through the rebuilt spillway threatens new mass evacuations over the risk of the dam collapsing.

According to national dam expert Scott Cahill of Watershed Services of Ohio, Oroville Dam is on the same failure track as in 2017, with visible water seepage trickling from the foot of the dam and dozens of points along the dam’s principal spillway.  Cahill warns that warming temperatures magnified by precipitation is a growing threat to the dam.

American Thinker reported on March 1 that the Sierra snow pack was at a record 113 inches, but another 44 inches fell in the next 10 days.  With temperatures spiking this week to 75 degrees in the valleys and 41 degrees in the high mountains, dam inflows are running twice the outflows, and the water levels rose from 800 to 839 feet.  MORE

21 Comments on UPDATE: California: Complete failure at Oroville Dam

  1. Warned 10+ years ago of the impending catastrophe, and then a 1st act 2 years ago. But NOOOOO let’s build a choochoo train to nowhere that no one will ride. This is ALL yours STUPIDFORNIA.

  2. Ha ha ha … either it was a Union job or the money got disappeared – as usual in CA and other socialist states.

    Either way the money’s gone and the job wasn’t done and the CA taxpayers learned NOTHING.

    Keep on keepin on. Insult added to Injury on top of Theft and then have your face rubbed in shit – Californians are a patient lot.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There can’t be more leaks than California’s differently documented Dutch boys. Just head to the Home Depot parking lots with a sign, “Masonry repair workers needed. Job requires minimum of one finger, and ability to lean against a wall.”, in California Dutch.

  4. There was no way to replace the earth that was removed from the last failure and achieve proper compaction to support new concrete spillway. Waste of funding and labor. Earthen dams are accidents waiting to happen. Same with earthen levees. Failure becomes not if but when.

  5. Anonymous March 19, 2019 at 10:05 am

    I really have no sympathy for California, or anyone else that deliberately creates their own problems.

    I live here, screw you! I created no problem nor millions of other people who live here. If they voted for the liberals they deserve what they’re getting. I voted for Trump and the majority of the people north of Sacramento voted for Trump. You live where you live for reasons and I live where I live for reasons. We go down so do you. Do you like to eat? Do you know which side your bread is buttered on? You better hope nothing happens to that dam, it’s where you get your food.

  6. Yeah, busting on ALL Californians because of their failed government is similar to busting on ALL Americans for our regularly failing central government.. or ALL Virginians for our regularly failing local governments. When a couple of cities control the vote, we are fooked.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. “Every people have the government they deserve.”
    (dead white dude)

    What you tolerate is what you get.

    Yes. We ALL tolerate a great number of odious things – that’s the price of civilization – but when is enough, enough? Once you’re in the oven, it’s too late.

    izlamo delenda est …


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