California Considering Lockdown With Curfews – IOTW Report

California Considering Lockdown With Curfews


California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday that his administration is considering a statewide curfew amid a surge in COVID-19 cases.

Daily COVID-19 cases have doubled in California over the last 10 days, forcing the governor’s office to pull “an emergency brake,” Newsom said at a press conference detailing the state’s response. A total of 41 of California’s 58 counties are now classified as “purple,” the tier of COVID-19 related spread requiring the strictest lockdown guidelines. Just 13 counties were classified “purple” last week.

“We also are considering – full disclosure and a little bit of a preview – the notion of a curfew,” Newsom said at a press conference. “Before you jump in terms of your mindset of whether that’s a good idea or a bad idea, we are assessing that as well.”


19 Comments on California Considering Lockdown With Curfews

  1. It’s all bullshit designed to control people who can’t think for themselves critically.

    Brad understands. I understand (that’s why I moved out of CA).

    Just remember, they can’t arrest everyone! Fight BACK! Refuse to comply.

  2. @Brad: How many died from “other?” Heck, we had 7 people in one day die in car accidents in our county. 20+ more from whatever. Covid isn’t the killer Fauki makes it out to be.

  3. Goldenfoxx

    Our infection rate is way below the state average too. But we are a ultra conservative county. So we have a price to pay. Fuck these assholes. Excuse my French. We’re hearing rumors of check points from our county into Sac County. Assholes will be shot. I should add, our Sheriff’s a super Patriot. This is approaching the point of absurdity

  4. Why do people get tested in the first place?

    So you can be told to sit alone for a few weeks and ruin everyone else’s lives who you’ve been in contact with for the next couple weeks also? Have your state locked down? Put you out of work? Transfer more power to the government? Strip your liberties?

    Really, which one do people who get tested prefer the most?

  5. Lockdowns with curfews??

    Screw ya….lock me up….what’s to lose??

    I don’t see much difference except I won’t be paying rent and food bills, sounds like I’d be ahead of the game.

  6. Well, yeah. Covid comes out at night and congregates on the street corners in packs.

    Dark alleys and semi empty parking lots crawl with Covid just waiting for an innocent night time victim.

    Best to lock all doors and windows and pray to Jesus while fingering a rosary made of garlic.

  7. …the best thing about an invisible enemy, besides the fact that it doesn’t even need to exist, is that you can claim its capable of literally ANYTHING and since no one can SEE it, no one can prove you WRONG…


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