California considering text messaging tax – IOTW Report

California considering text messaging tax


Your text messages could soon face a state tax.

California regulators are considering charging a fee for text messaging to support programsthat make phone service accessible to low-income residents.

The plan will be discussed when the California Public Utilities Commission meets in January 2019. Specific text message fees have not been divulged.


25 Comments on California considering text messaging tax

  1. Instead of being bright enough to realize raising taxes lowers state income, on the other hand, lowering taxes raises income for the state. Ronald Ragan proved that when he was governor. Dimwits are too stupid to try what has worked. Raising taxes only lowers state income!

  2. btw, goes to show ya that they’ve stored all your texts for at least the last 5 years, don’t it?

    (… think maybe I’ll go back to Morse Code, or semaphore, or sumpin’… smoke signals?)

  3. What a brilliant idea. I can’t believe nobody ever thought of taxing a phone for the purposes of subsidizing people who don’t have one.

    California needs to keep up the good work!

  4. That would be glorious! All the hipsters who have enough money to buy their own phones finding out that they are now “the rich” and it’s time they pay their fair share so the leeches of society can have cell phones that are tax exempt (the only taxes the poor pay are on cigs, beer & lotto).

    Why that could even start a riot like unto what is going on in France. Lovely; just lovely.

  5. I would almost be for this if the tax was based on the number of texts. I drives me nuts when someone texts me 5 times in two minutes with little snippets that could have been contained in a single text or email! (my wife is the biggest multi-texter)

  6. Good on California, tax those morons.

    I don’t understand why people think they need a cell phone, especially a smartphone. All of these gadgets can be turned on to listen to your conversations. Who knows who is listening!

    I am not available 24/7. I carry a dumb phone for emergencies. And I feel superior, exceptional, outstanding because I’m not glued to a phone.

    Parents need them to keep track of the kids? So now cell phones are babysitters.

    today a guy almost stepped into the street right in front of us, his head was down fiddling with the phone. He looked up at the last second and stopped. He wasn’t even crossing at a light.

  7. Better idea: tax social media posts since these are predominantly skewed to the left’s agenda…thereby proving that you can lead a horse to water but never look a gift horse in the mouth.

  8. Zonga, your dumb phone can be turned-on, also, even if the power switch is off. And you’ll never know it even happened. The only guarantee against eaves-dropping is to place it in a Faraday cage, preferably with the power off.

  9. I’ve done that too, Zonga. Although lately, I leave it out because I want them to hear my rants. They’re no doubt hearing millions of similar outbursts from people’s phones across the country. “Idiots!”

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