California Cops Argue In Lawsuit That BLM Street Mural Is A Form Of ‘Discrimination,’ – IOTW Report

California Cops Argue In Lawsuit That BLM Street Mural Is A Form Of ‘Discrimination,’


A group of California police officers have sued the city of Palo Alto, California, for discrimination.

The city, which employs the officers, did so by allowing a Black Lives Matter street mural that features “anti-police” images, according to the Associated Press.

“Law enforcement officers, including Plaintiffs, were forced to physically pass and confront the Mural and its offensive, discriminatory, and harassing iconography every time they entered the Palo Alto Police Department,” the lawsuit maintains.

The AP reported that the mural was created 13 months ago following the death of George Floyd.

Among others, the artwork depicted the image was of a woman named Joanne Chesimard, who changed her name to Assata Shakur and was convicted in killing a New Jersey state trooper in 1973. Shakur eventually escaped from prison and disappeared in Cuba, never to be found.

The mural also featured the logo of the New Black Panthers, which has been identified as a hate group that, as the AP noted, “has encouraged violence against white and Jewish people and law enforcement.”

The mural was reportedly removed in November, even though it was supposed to remain for a year.

The lawsuit further maintained that the officers have been harassed by City Hall and their own department for objecting.

This has caused damage to their professional reputation, their ability to promote, their ability to be selected for other units, and their ability to work,” the complaint states. “Moreover, it has adversely affected their personal health and well-being, including medical expenses, that are anticipated into the future and may force an early retirement.”  


7 Comments on California Cops Argue In Lawsuit That BLM Street Mural Is A Form Of ‘Discrimination,’

  1. Let’s start tearing down murals, monuments, statues of bad people.

    BLM, statues of black criminals, the statue of Lenin the murderer in Seattle, the list is long.

    Why does the left get to dominate our landscape with killers, perverts, druggies, thieves?

    We’re worried about the Confederacy?

  2. Back in the day, Palo Alto was home to a big theme park that billed themselves as “Africa USA”. How fitting. Five miles to the west of Palo Alto, off Highway 280 and Alpine road is the Community of Woodside. Probably the most expensive real estate in the Galaxy. You know what kills Ghettos quick? Real estate values and Red Wood cities about dead. Amazing shit, they just disappear. Red Wood City, Africa USA, has been shrinking for a long while. Adios and good reddens.

  3. Personally, I think these plaintiff officers are all estrogen engorged wet flapping pussies. The mural is gone forchrissakes, so just walking by a display that was removed 8 months ago is just now causing PTSD-like symptoms, hurt feelings, personal health issues, and early retirement? They need to start hiring a better/tougher class of recruits, these guys are whiny simps.

    I wonder if the city painted “Black Lives Matter” on main street, like many other cities did if this would have had the same traumatizing effect? After all, BLM as an institution is anti-police. Since this is in the Bay Area, it is definitely a red city, Biden backed, and prone to the same,” All cops are racists and no black man is safe” rhetoric.

    If this mural was such an assault on their delicate sensibilities, go work in Coeur d’Alene.

  4. @Rick Taylor

    Its more about making the Left Nazis like BLM & Demos live by the same rules they try to force on conservatives.

    If a statue of a white male general can offend a black person then so can The BLM painted on the ground offend anyone else. Go ask an Asian whose store just got looted.

  5. @ Kcir

    The police, like the military, need to be that last line of defense between anarchy and the rule of law. If they get all verklempt, clutching at their pearls and wetting themselves at the least bit of provocation, then what good are they?

    Somebody that has the power of life and death, the power to restrict your freedom of movement, to abrogate your civil liberties, they need to be above such petty behaviors. Even the people that hate you and call you a racist deserve to be protected and civilly treated by their police force.

  6. @Rich

    They are not refusing to do their Jobs.

    Part of that defence you speak of could be the coppers in question defending against the spread of Burning, Looting, Violence, harassment of the innocent & essentially what I view as an advertisement of those who promote such behaviour.

    FYI, the BLM just bought a very expensive building in Toronto as a head office. Funny how they are raking it in. Almost like people are responding to free publicity and advertisements like ass hole sheep.

    Cheers. Same side friend.


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