California Criminology Professor Held For Setting Numerous Fires – IOTW Report

California Criminology Professor Held For Setting Numerous Fires

Sacramento Bee

A college professor suspected in a series of arson fires in remote forested areas of Northern California near the massive Dixie Fire has been charged in connection with one of the blazes in Lassen County and was ordered held Tuesday in the Sacramento County Main Jail.

Gary Stephen Maynard, 47, is believed to have worked at a number of colleges in California, including Santa Clara University and Sonoma State University, where a Dr. Gary Maynard is listed as a lecturer in criminal justice studies specializing in criminal justice, cults and deviant behavior. More

19 Comments on California Criminology Professor Held For Setting Numerous Fires

  1. I knew it. The fucking communists are starting fires all over the globe to justify their bullshit climate cult agenda. The problem is not too much carbon dioxide emitted into the air. The problem is not enough commie scumbag blood running into the sewers.

  2. Arsonists need to be summarily executed. Don’t care if they set a building or a field on fire, either way it’s attempted mass murder.

    Don’t care how either, but if they’re caught at the site of their handiwork, tie them up with wire and throw them in.

    They used to teach for you to pay attention to if you saw the same face in the crowd at different suspicious fires. The amateurs get off on watching and talking to firefighters, and the pros want to be sure and misdirect arson investigations if they can.

    Either way, the response should be the same.

    Immediate execution.

    “Mayor Daley told reporters that he had ordered police “to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand . . . and . . . to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city.””

    …one of the few times a Democrat Mayor got it right…

  3. Arson or not, fire is natural in nature: it culls forests of dead matter, controls insects and stimulates new growth. Not letting enough forests burn is causing superfires.

  4. “Arson or not, fire is natural in nature: it culls forests of dead matter, controls insects and stimulates new growth. Not letting enough forests burn is causing superfires.”

    There is nothing “natural” about faulty PGE lines or transmitters that caused many of these fires;

    The families of all the people that died in these fires, and 10’s of thousands of those that lost everything they owned, they are not so cavalier.

    Forest management is a real thing, clearing debris, burying lines, creating firebreaks are the responsibilities of the government. And, not just state government. California just owns 3% of the forests, the feds own 58%.

    Letting them burn is not a viable strategy. And the animals think forest fires suck as well;

  5. “California just owns 3% of the forests, the feds own 58%. ”

    That’s true however every time the US Forrest Service starts clearing dead brush and dead lay downs some environmental whack job sue the feds and stops them. I use the Forests a lot. Through out the year. Believe me when I tell you they’re a tinder box. The whack jobs seem to be under the impression that all that dead brush and under growth helps the animals. The morons that donate money to these people should get out of their Barcalounger and go take a look. In the long run they’re just cooking the animals. Large animals can’t make it through that shit. And the smaller animals can’t out run the flames.

  6. I drove through some of CA forest a couple of weeks ago, Auburn south for a couple of hours. Looked like loggers were thinning a lot rather than clear-cut, I hope new policies have been implemented that will alleviate the problem although it certainly will take many years.
    Still dealing with smoke here in Boulder. All from Pacific northwest, although several states, not just CA.

  7. I want to know if this asshole was in Oregon last summer. A series of fires up and down Oregon, all started within 20 miles of I5, after Antifa was shut down in Portland, and threatened to “burn the state down”. But the state police remain strangely incurious.

  8. Forest management costs money. Once upon a time, the Forest Service and BLM sold timber, and the receipts from the sales paid for reforesting and thinning and road maintenance. All that changed with the environmental movement in the 70s. Every single timber sale was blocked by lawsuits. Then the Clinton administration brokered a compromise that allowed a certain amount of cutting without the threat of lawsuits. The envirocommies violated the agreement from the get go. The lack of forest management is the fault of the commies, and now the forests are gone. So glad they saved the trees from those evil loggers, so they could burn instead.

  9. Mayor Daley told reporters that he had ordered police “to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand . . . and . . . to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city.””
    Finally something useful from a democratic politician, and it’s 53 years old. A policy I can endorse, support, and subscribe to if it come to a neighborhood near me.
    Where have all the real spines gone, why did we end up with such a mess trying to be PC to the oppressed ended up writing a free reign warrant for stupid behavior.

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