California Democrat Fund Raises with Hanoi Jane – IOTW Report

California Democrat Fund Raises with Hanoi Jane

Orange County Register

Dave Min continues to embarrass Orange County constituents with his shameful behavior. Over the weekend, Dave Min sunk to a new low and held a fundraiser with “Hanoi Jane” Fonda in Hollywood. 

Min has made his priorities crystal clear by warmly embracing Jane Fonda, the infamous “Hanoi Jane.” Didn’t Min know?

His campaign fundraiser sends an unmistakable message — Min has zero respect for our veterans and the Vietnamese community in Orange County who endured unimaginable hardships fleeing communist oppression. More

Min currently serves as a California state senator, but has his eyes set on congress this fall. Here

The aspiring congressman (Korean American judging from his website) should know his history before associating with a provable traitor. Watch

13 Comments on California Democrat Fund Raises with Hanoi Jane

  1. Urinal fresheners with her face on them are very popular. She rightly should be long dead and buried, hanged for giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war.

  2. From his web site (bold text added for emphasis):

    Before returning to the Golden State to work as a business law professor at UC Irvine School of Law, I served as an enforcement attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission, economic and financial policy advisor to Senator Chuck Schumer, and economic policy director at the Center for American Progress.


    Yes, he’s 1st generation Korean but I expect he’s shunned by most SoCal Korean and Korean-background people.

  3. @geoff the aardvark, not soon enough. She was diagnosed with cancer a couple years ago, but Satan hasn’t shown up to collect her black soul yet. He probably doesn’t want her either.

  4. What a despicable, commie bitch.
    Pieces of shit like her that are American hating fuck-wipes continuously apply their efforts to destroy this country unobstructed because our very own Constitution allows them to use our Constitution against US.


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