California Democrat Removed From Committee After Defying Newsom – IOTW Report

California Democrat Removed From Committee After Defying Newsom

Epoch Times:

A California Democratic lawmaker has been removed from an Assembly committee after voting against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new law aimed at punishing oil companies for windfall profits.

Newly elected Assemblywoman Jasmeet Bains (D-Delano) represents a small community north of Bakersfield in central California. The region produces about 70 percent of the state’s oil.

Bains published a statement March 30, saying she was informed by the office of Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) she would be removed from the Assembly Business and Professions Committee.

“While I am disappointed, I remain firm in my commitment to serve the interests of the people I was elected to represent,” Bains said in a statement, as reported by Sacramento television station KCRA.

Despite Bains’s move, the measure easily passed the state Legislature where Democrats hold a supermajority in both chambers. It was signed into law by the governor the next day March 28, taking effect 90 days after that. more

7 Comments on California Democrat Removed From Committee After Defying Newsom

  1. It’s only a matter of time before California makes commerce illegal. Except for Facebook- they need Facebook to promote their agenda and censor dissent.

  2. What Kev promised to do to ant Rony haters joining th “Conservative Witch Hunt” 3 years ago! Ronny haters Liz (its in her blood, he dad hated Rony with a white hot hate 40 years ago!) and Adam made a fool of Kev by defying him and actively going after conservatives !Kev lacked the nuts (pardon my French ladies; but ….)to keep his word!

    Why be in a Party if you think the party is not right?
    A party without discipline is USELESS!

  3. I might say this is a North Korean level of enforced conformity, but I believe that the Norks actually tolerate a level of dissent to demonstrate confidence in their system.

  4. Not sure why anyone would be surprised. ANY Demonrat who doesn’t toe the party line is rapidly removed from positions of influence and generally banned from running for reelection at the end of their term. The criminal left party ALWAYS presents a solid front in its quest for power.

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