California Dems Reintroduce Gun Rationing – IOTW Report

California Dems Reintroduce Gun Rationing

Breitbart: California Democrats reintroduced legislation on the day of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) inauguration in hopes of achieving a one-gun-a-month purchase limit for Californians.

Lawmakers passed the legislation under Gov. Jerry Brown (D), but Brown vetoed the measure.

CNBC reports that Newsom has made clear he is open to controls that Brown did not support. During his inauguration speech Newsom said, “Make no mistake, there are powerful forces arrayed against us. Not just politicians in Washington – but drug companies that gouge Californians with sky-high prices. A gun lobby willing to sacrifice the lives of our children to line their pockets.” MORE

16 Comments on California Dems Reintroduce Gun Rationing

  1. It’s past time we found a way to separate this country that is hopelessly divided. We’re never going to come to any agreement with these people and they have been steadily eroding our rights for years and the longer we wait the more impossible it’s going to be.

  2. One gun a month? Chances are almost no one would be looking to buy more than one gun in a month, until of course some asshole government bureaucrat says you can’t. Now everyone will want 2 or 3, hell maybe more. In fact, I might go out and buy a couple today.

  3. “A gun lobby willing to sacrifice the lives of our children to line their pockets.”

    It’s stupid on steroids that thinks an inanimate object is responsible for killing children.

  4. “Not just politicians in Washington – but drug companies that gouge Californians with sky-high prices. A gun lobby willing to sacrifice the lives of our children to line their pockets.”

    What do drug companies’ sky-high prices have to do with guns? Do they point guns at people to make them buy drugs? That statement is f’ing asinine. And what gun lobby is lining their pockets AND killing children? Only abortion clinics match that description.

  5. Up above, Burner said limits are okay because of states rights. WRONG!

    All if the states in the Union must obey the BOR. That means that “Shall not be infringed” is binding in the whole country. So CA Democrats are oath breakers and traitors.

  6. Stupid made for media attention purposed law.
    Under ATF reg’s a person can purchase firearms in adjoining states. So how many RED states does CALIF. share a border with?

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