California Dems Want State Colleges and Universities To Provide the Abortion Pill To Students – IOTW Report

California Dems Want State Colleges and Universities To Provide the Abortion Pill To Students

Wash Exam-

California Democrats will be taking another stab at requiring all public colleges and universities to stock the abortion pill, anticipating a different outcome with a new governor taking over the helm in January.

Democratic State Sen. Connie Leyva on Monday introduced the latest version of the bill, the College Student Right to Access Act, during the first day of the Senate’s session. The legislation would make abortion pills available to students at schools associated with the University of California and California State University.

Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, said during his campaign that he would have supported the provision.

“I would have supported that. I have long supported that,” Newsom said, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “I subscribe to Planned Parenthood and NARAL’s position on that.”

A similar bill was vetoed in October by outgoing Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, who said there was little evidence that California students had trouble accessing the medication. Nearly $9.6 million in private funds would have been needed to help pay for the program.

If the bill is passed, women would be able to use the abortion pill up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy as an alternative to surgical abortion.


6 Comments on California Dems Want State Colleges and Universities To Provide the Abortion Pill To Students

  1. Democrats are obsessed with killing their offspring.

    The sicko side of me thinks that the enemy killing off its reinforcements is a good thing. The godly part of me disagrees. We’re having an argument.

  2. We respect women, so that’s why we need an abortion pill for when those sluts get knocked up.

    I’m getting mixed messages. On one hand, the #metoo movement is adamant that all men are sexual predators who need to control their urges. On the other hand, they are obsessed with birth control, abortion and the abortion pill.

    Uh, what’s the number for that sex robot company? Just asking for a friend.

  3. From The Lord’s prayer: “Lead us not into temptation.” Hey, California democrats: Good luck when you leave this world and have to stand before the Good Lord. Do you really wanna spend eternity in the fires of hell with most California politicians?


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