California doctor hit by car, stabbed to death in intersection – IOTW Report

California doctor hit by car, stabbed to death in intersection

Witness reportedly alleges slurs about “white privilege.”

Just The News: A doctor in California was run down in the street while cycling before being viciously stabbed by the driver in the incident, police said on Thursday. 

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement on Thursday that on Wednesday of this week deputies responded to reports of a traffic incident to find Michael John Mammone lying in a Dana Point intersection with “severe injuries.” 

Mammone was riding his bike on the Pacific Coast Highway thoroughfare “when he was struck from behind by the suspect vehicle,” police said. more

29 Comments on California doctor hit by car, stabbed to death in intersection

  1. I have to admit, there have been times when I felt like chasing down and murdering a bicyclist or two. (I’m looking at you, Portland OR.) However, this driver appears to have been either a foaming-at-the-mouth racist P.O.S. (yes, black people can be racist, too) or just another unmedicated lunatic running around unsupervised.

  2. Believe it or not, I like when someone gets pissed off at another and then the other person gets pissed off and defends themselves. Just think how boring this would be if we all agreed with each other and all we said was “oh you are so smart, and always right”. We need conflict and we need to air out our thoughts, whether they are right or wrong. I used to work for a guy that had a banner behind his desk that was written in Japanese characters that interpreted into English said, “Every Day is War!. I learned a lot from that guy.

  3. Just curious Erik, and I’m mean this sincerely, why do YOU hate me?

    I know why Brad hates me, I call out his bullshit.
    It’s not mean spirited, calling him out, yet I feel it necessary.
    However, with Brad, you and I likely agree on many things but still you can’t stand me.
    Granted I won’t lose sleep over this conundrum, I am rather curious.

  4. And the good doctor put himself in harm’s way because??? IF this guy was riding in a traffic lane, and I do not know if he was, he was asking for trouble. I have no use for arrogant, inconsiderate, self-absorbed bicyclists clogging up traffic lanes, especially while bicycle lanes and sidewalks are not in use.

  5. I used to ride my bike everywhere when I lived in Portland in 1972. One day when I was crossing one of the bridges in downtown Portland on my way to work at Lloyd Center when I saw a driver brazenly open his car door right into the path of a cyclist riding behind him causing the cyclist to go down in a heap. The cyclist calmly picked himself up and attacked the jerk in the car and beat the hell out of him right there in the middle of traffic. It was great and the jerk deserved that beat down.

  6. Meanwhile, we take a break from our cat fight to return to the article:

    “A local witness, meanwhile, told station ABC7 that her family heard the suspect “uttering racial slurs about ‘white privilege’,” though investigators with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department “had not been told of that allegation,”

    The woke sheriffs office turns a blind eye to what was a blatant hate crime. Some useless piece of shit hood rat kills a productive member of society because he (the killer) hates white people, and law enforcement just wrings their hands and ignores the obvious.

  7. @Tony R: “The woke sheriffs office turns a blind eye to what was a blatant hate crime. Some useless piece of shit hood rat kills a productive member of society because he (the killer) hates white people, and law enforcement just wrings their hands and ignores the obvious.”

    And this is precisely why when a cop is killed, not many say too much about it. The tides have turned on the people we pay to protect us.

  8. “And this is precisely why when a cop is killed, not many say too much about it.”

    Which is pretty sad because the arresting officer has no say in which charges are ultimately filed or whether “hate crime” enhancements are applied. That responsibility resides with the D.A..

  9. Assailant’s thinking, “He’s a doctor makin enough money to buy that expensive bike only because he’s White! That would be ME if it wasn’t for his White privilege!” forgetting that he dropped out of school because learning stuff in school is “acting White.”

  10. Three black kids assault a helpless little white girl on a bus, no big deal.

    A black bastard kills a white Dr in an intersection, no big deal.

    Blacks assaulting and killing whites all over the country, no big deal.

    Tell me again who has the privilege?

    Yet harm a single hair on a black kid or have a white guy stab a black Dr to death at an intersection or a bunch of white kids assault a black on a subway and it’s World War 3 and America burns.

    Tell me again who has the privilege?

    You see us injuns never had to fear Black America, they knew they would be taken to where the white man’s law does not apply and never be seen again.

    Lots of dead non-injuns buried all across this country.

    That’s why you never hear of about any murdered redskins in the hood. Ever wonder about that?

    Now you know…


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