California Epsilon Variant May Be Able To Evade Vaccine Immunity – IOTW Report

California Epsilon Variant May Be Able To Evade Vaccine Immunity

The New Indian Express

Three mutations in the spike protein of the Epsilon variant of SARS-CoV-2 help the virus to evade the protection offered by current vaccines or past COVID-19 infection, according to a study.

The mutations also provide the variant of concern named CAL.20C a means to totally evade specific monoclonal or lab-made antibodies used in clinics, and reduce the effectiveness of antibodies from the plasma of vaccinated people, the researchers said. More

18 Comments on California Epsilon Variant May Be Able To Evade Vaccine Immunity

  1. I hope they make a new vaccine for it.

    Big pharma is playing checkers and the virus is playing chess. But they’re getting paid by the hour in this.
    They’ll never catch it, even if they miraculously could. The pay is too good.

  2. Kinda like our Republic Mutated into a Socialist Democracy in 6 months.
    The cure is variant 2024.
    You won’t need a government fear campaign or be ridiculed to get a forced jab to return to a Republic.

  3. Big pharma is playing checkers and the virus is playing chess. But they’re getting paid by the hour in this.
    They’ll never catch it, even if they miraculously could. The pay is too good

    When you are using the government’s checkbook, need to keep the money flowing.

  4. How about they perfect a treatment for Covid instead of shooting people up with mystery science theatre every few months?

    Last week they said the shots offered immunity to the variants. But no, stories pop up today that boosters are needed for the Pfizer jab, right? Tonight, King5Seattle has a story-volunteers are needed to test responses to booster shots…and they’ll be tracked until 2025. WTF is going on?!?

  5. It looks like we all need to volunteer for a 2 year (at a minimum) quarantine. It’s the only way we can get rid of this. Obviously we will need continuous handouts from the government.

  6. No mention of those that had the China virus. Must be immune to all variants. Or you will be safe if you get all 3, which is 3 time less likely to happen.
    I know Math is racist, but 3x(0 chance) still = 0

  7. “Covid” was released to destroy the economy and elections. The “Vaccine” was concocted to control people, not “Covid”. The weekly “scariants” are manufactured to keep mail-in voting and ballot drop boxes everywhere. The “Democrats” are playing it by ear now, and it looks like they’re fooling those who paid to hear them.

  8. “How long is this virus BS going to go on?”
    “I don’t know – how many letters in the Greek alphabet?”

    Does the mRNA chemical mutate the human or the virus?


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