California food chains laying off workers ahead of new minimum wage law – IOTW Report

California food chains laying off workers ahead of new minimum wage law

Some California fast-food locations are letting go of workers ahead of a new $20 minimum wage law slated to take effect April 1st that will dramatically impact their bottom lines. 

13 Comments on California food chains laying off workers ahead of new minimum wage law

  1. “Michael Ojeda, 29…
    “Pizza Hut was my career for nearly a decade and with little to no notice it was taken away,” said Ojeda.”

    …not that I don’t think the minimum wage law is bullshit-the REAL minimum wage is, was, and will always be 0$, no matter what some Communist bureaucrat tries to dictate – but if you’re 29, making a career out of delivery driving for a decade, and haven’t already hit $20/hr in a place as expensive as Cali, you may want to take this moment to reassess your career path.

    I washed dishes at the start of my work life, by hand, in a Chinese restaurant. for YEARS, probably longer than I should have. And the Chinese restaurant is now closed.

    But since I moved on from it some 30+ years ago, it didn’t impact me at all when it DID.

    Other than to go back for a “last night” celebration when it went down and buy some EXTREMELY tacky decorations from my erstwhile boss, including a big, pretty Chinese lantern complete with red electric bulb as mementos.

    …the point is, nothing is permanent but Heaven, and you can move on or BE moved on.

    And on the cusp of 30 with a healthy body, solid work hiatory, and a DEI pleasing last name, you should quit selling yourself short anyway, guy, you really CAN do better…

  2. Gee, who woulda thunk it. The law of unintended consequences strikes again and bites em all in the ass once again, over and over ad infinitum until hell freezes over. Karma is a bitch and thanks to the democraps it always seems to be in play. What else would you expect from the party of lowest expectations about every area of life.

  3. Chairman Newsom’s ‘Great Leap Forward’. All Californians should be prohibited from moving to Texas. They voted for this crap and they should have to suffer from it.

  4. Anything to further impoverish people. These leftists think very far ahead. Unlike the GOP. Btw: anyone asking that parasite Ronns Romney why she agreed to work for a swamp propaganda network like NBC? (As if we didnt know the answer)

  5. As someone who was born in CA and grew up in the 60s/70s, it is truly disgusting to see what has happened to that great state. WE were smart enough to get out in 97 and have NEVER looked back. A beautiful state that would be made much better with a wood chipper to address the liberal problem. I worked for LESS than the minimum wage, and more than the minimum wage simply by saying I would be happy to work the closing shift at McDonalds. This kind of minimum wage is absurd, and everyone living off fast food deserves to starve if they think that this kind of tyranny is ok. A giant tsunami or nuclear blast could do a lot for that state….Just saying.

  6. A few days ago there was an article about the worst paying jobs for newly minted college grads. Most jobs with worthless degrees paid around 40K. With California’s new law, all those college grads will get a $1,600 pay raise.

  7. Just declare you are an illegal and ask for cash wages.
    I worked per diem for several years in college paid no tax, employer did not pay SS or Medicare and did not have to withhold income tax. Car mileage reimbursement also.


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