California Gov. Gavin Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare – IOTW Report

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been caught charging U.S. taxpayers for the healthcare bills of the state’s illegal alien population.

According to local media, Newsom filed nearly $53 million worth of reimbursements that the state now must return to the federal government:

NBC15 reports:

California owes the federal government $52.7 million after it “improperly” requested reimbursements for services provided to noncitizens, according to a recent inspector general report. MORE

12 Comments on California Gov. Gavin Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare

  1. This shouldn’t be a shock. He told everyone he was going to do it months ago. In fact I believe the state passed some legislation on this and the health care coverage is extended to family members of these “New Arrivals” that still reside in their native countries. And yes they were planning on part of that bill going to the FEDS.
    This guys off the charts stupid and destructive.

  2. Maine gives the illegals healthcare paid for by taxpayers.
    Governments don’t usually make money, they take it and spend it.
    I bet there’s a lot more of this going on all over the country than is reported on

  3. This sorry punk is being touted as presidential material. Half of all welfare parasites live in California. He would continue the destruction of our nation, perhaps even faster than the walking cadaver.

  4. If Trump wins, first thing is an EO that prohibits all federal funds being used to help illegals. Second thing is to force all employers to E-Verify all employees (that would eliminate any charges of racism). Third is to tax all foreign remittances 50%. If you make it too costly for illegals to live here they will consider going someplace else.

  5. Worker peasant TAX Slave MONDAY, 10 JUNE 2024, 14:49 AT 2:49 PM
    “Sounds like theft, where is law enforcement and a early morning raid??”

    Probably hanging around the outskirts of Mar-a-Logo waiting for the next “go” signal from DOJ


  6. “Second thing is to force all employers to E-Verify all employees”

    E-Verify never went away. It’s still a law. They just turn a blind eye to it. I imagine they’d use it though if you were a conservative they were after.

  7. Caught?
    No way, he has been a communist asshole from the time everyone voted for him.
    Those dumb fvcks need to re-asses who they voted for.
    NO Sympathy here.

  8. @DavidW

    I think if Trump does that, Guatemalans will turn south to Honduras for a better life. Or, maybe the opposite will occur – Hondurans going north to Guatemala for a better life.

    Whatever, who cares. Keeping them out of America is the thing we are concerned about. A trickle of legal immigrants is fine but not tons of shit coming across the border like we see now.


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