California: Governor Gruesome Shuts Down Indoor Activities – IOTW Report

California: Governor Gruesome Shuts Down Indoor Activities

CTH: This is nuts. In an effort to fundamentally destroy the livelihoods of millions of California small businesses, Comrade Governor Gavin Newsom has declared that all indoor activities must shut down to top the spread of COVID-19.

The overwhelming majority of dictates around COVID-19 mitigation are not laws. There was no debate; no input from representative government; and no option for the public to weigh-in on the decisions. more

13 Comments on California: Governor Gruesome Shuts Down Indoor Activities

  1. The quality of life continues to be diminished under the direction of our elected rulers.


    People with lowered quality lives are more compliant and easily controlled than people with high quality ones.

    This is the real intended purpose of these actions, whether spoken or kept secret. And almost all people will go along with it, either immediately or in the longer run, those who don’t will be considered criminals and treated that way by those that do.

    Watch and see, read the writing on the wall.

  2. geoff the aardvark JULY 14, 2020 AT 8:50 AM
    “Is he going to shut down heterosexual couples having sex because that is an indoor activity after all?”

    …yes, henceforth and until further notice, the Government will provide you with your US RDA of screwings.

    The good news is, you’ll probably get screwed more than you were.

    The bad news is, they won’t be asking for consent, and your orifices WILL be repurposed as they see fit, for your safety…

  3. El Dorado County has been ignoring the partisan bastard. All of our businesses have the “wear a mask” sign posted and nobodies wearing them. With the exception of the grocery stores. Gyms. barbers, hair salons, restaurants, and bars, all open. I would imagine we are not the only northern county ignoring him.

  4. So Gavins friend Cary Jay Smith can watch little boys play in the parks of costa mesa.

    it’s a bad time to be a sex offender and be released in so cal. something bad might happen to you when someone finds you out and about just minding your business watching little boys playing in the parks of costa mesa. you could just disappear and no one would miss you or care.

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