California “Greening” A Taxpayer Swindle – IOTW Report

California “Greening” A Taxpayer Swindle

The AP has a report on California’s 2012 Green Energy Jobs Act that found the law seriously underperformed on its promises.


 The legislation was chocked full of ill-defined focus group tested terms like “schools, clean energy jobs and energy-efficiency” and ended up doing little on any these objectives. 

Half the money went to consultants and energy auditors.


It created a 10th of the jobs that were promised, all while burdening California businesses with an additional tax.


6 Comments on California “Greening” A Taxpayer Swindle

  1. I looked up the term ‘California’ in my 10th edition Funk and Wagnalls and got the following result: The word California is derived from the English root word meaning Taxpayer Swindle! A companion interpretation is Mexifornia which derives from the Spanish root word for Illegal invasion!

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