California Ground Squirrels Have a Taste for Voles – IOTW Report

California Ground Squirrels Have a Taste for Voles

LA Times

AUC Davis study showed a nutty novel behavior in California squirrels: They’re hunting like carnivores, taking down and then consuming other, smaller rodents.

As part of an ongoing 12-year study of California ground squirrels at Briones Regional Park in Contra Costa County, researchers last summer watched as squirrels began to chase — and eat — voles, a cousin of field mice. More

18 Comments on California Ground Squirrels Have a Taste for Voles

  1. Dang. Reading too carelessly I thought the headline said that the squirrels were eating Volvos. I don’t like Volvos, plus most (but not all) Volvo owners seem to have the attention span a 9-year-old on Ritalin.

  2. I remember seeing a patch of squashed potguts on a rural highway just about doubling in size each time I passed it, over a series of three trips one summer. They apparently craved the taste of their own…and are not particularly aware or quick.

  3. @ACParker — I had to look that up. Never heard of a potgut before. Looking at their pictures made me realize that there are some rodents who are cute on the outside, but none are cute on the inside!

  4. @Erik — Quite right! My beef (or should I say “tofu”) with Volvos began maybe 30 years ago. I like those older sedans and wagons, especially the Diesel engine ones. Oh, yeah, and the P1800E was a lot of fun.

  5. Al
    Well now I did get throat cancer participating in that event. 50 years ago. Yea that shit embedded itself and a bad tooth will set it off. I constantly feel like I should do a Public Service Announcement for young boys. With slides. “See this kidees? Looks delicious doesn’t it? Careful , it’ll kill you.

  6. That’s nothing new. When you shoot ground squirrels and prairie dogs the survivors eat the victims. It’s what they have always done. You see them jumping up and catching butterflies and eating them too. It’s what they do.

    How much did the Government pay to discover what every boy that is worthy of the name in Montana already knows before the enter kindergarten.


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