California- Homelessness Jumps to 16.7%, Driving Up National Numbers – IOTW Report

California- Homelessness Jumps to 16.7%, Driving Up National Numbers


I’ve got good news and bad news about homelessness in America.

The good news is that that the number of Americans living on the streets went up only 2.7 percent in 2019. The bad news is that homelessness would have dropped if California wasn’t part of the United States.

Homelessness in California shot up 16.7 percent in one year. That’s nearly 22,000 more people living without shelter in the Golden State than there were last year. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson says the national number would have dropped if not for California.

This isn’t a scandal. It’s not a tragedy. It’s insanely stupid. more

14 Comments on California- Homelessness Jumps to 16.7%, Driving Up National Numbers

  1. Wonder how many of those homeless are decent but desperate working people that simply can’t afford a place to live and how many of them are crazies, drug addicts, etc.?

    Some people can be helped because they will take advantage of any opportunities given them and want to help themselves, others can’t be because they don’t want to become anything better.

  2. I see where they’ve started a $3 Billion go fund me to build a housing project for them in the desert.
    The state and local governments have spent who knows how much already and accomplished nothing. In the desert? So how much electricity will be needed to power the air conditioners, not to mention free tv, phone and internet? After this 300 acre “city” is built, how will they keep it funded in perpetuity? I won’t give one damn dime to this idiotic nonsense.

  3. They loaded up that hunk of shit they call a truck and moved to Beverly.. Hills that is. Swimming pools, movie stars, drug addicts, hookers, earthquakes, mass murders, homelessness… Great place to bring up a family!

  4. Here’s the thing about CA homelessness.
    The more homeless there are the more urgent it becomes to spend billion$ to alleviate the situation. Politicians put up bonds and spending bills, which are approved by idiot voters ‘because we have to do something for these poor people’, which according to politicians means we must build more housing.
    Housing isn’t the cause of homelessness by the way.
    Politicians then come up with developments which cost insane amounts per unit, like over a half-million per unit of housing. These of course take forever to build thanks to local building regulations, can only house a very small percentage of the homeless – but reward connected contractors (who of course pay for their connections to the politicians). Just more crony capitalism. And the worse the homeless crisis is the more money gets thrown at it.
    CA politicians want the homeless crisis. They leverage it for power and money, and do nothing to reduce the problem.

  5. I won’t cry me a river.
    The “homeless” are living exactly where they want to be.
    A balmy, dry climate where a dwelling is not necessary
    to be reasonably comfortable.
    Lots of free food, cheap drugs and cops not allowed to
    roust them for crapping in the street or shoplifting.
    This is bum heaven just like in the old hobo song
    “The Big Rock Candy Mountain”.

  6. Perfectly regulated, perfectly taxed, perfectly educated, perfectly assimilated, yet the useless freaks won’t cooperate! We run this system absolutely perfectly yet look how these animals behave!


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