California HS Teacher is a Disgrace – Mocks American Flag, Has Students Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag – IOTW Report

California HS Teacher is a Disgrace – Mocks American Flag, Has Students Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag

18 Comments on California HS Teacher is a Disgrace – Mocks American Flag, Has Students Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag

  1. If you don’t like old glory or our country, why don’t we pack you a bag, and send you a one way ticket to Kabul, you should feel right at home.

    Bet you cry mommy within 24 hours. 😫

  2. This is the result of Unionized “teachers.”
    Unions are socialistic, at best – confirmed nazis, at worst.

    This thing is a disgrace to education – but, obviously, a paragon of indoctrination.
    It should be put out of our misery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. As the first lady imposter illustrates nearly every day, having a degree in education does not mean you are educated. In her case, it also means you don’t know how to raise of son.

  4. Pull. Your. Kids. Out. Of. Public. School.

    Why in God’s green earth would any parent who actually cares about their children subject them to political indoctrination?

  5. Put all control of schools under local authority only.
    Giving parents vouchers for education, every single one, even if they homeschool would solve this problem. Competition is a wonderful thing.
    When you have to compete for dollars it raises quality and gives choice.

  6. I see that she is infected with the Kamilla giggles, why do progs think this is endearing, it’s not, it just makes you look like a fool.

    All the comments above are accurate re: California’s public education. When I retired I volunteered at my kids schools, both middle school and high School, doing various sports programs. I got to keep an eye on him and know about his teachers and friends. Over 90% of them were just like this female. The other 10% were smart enough to not display their ideology on social media but probably still agreed with it.

  7. Another reason I could never live in California. If I had a kid in her class, I’d march into her room and beat her half to death right in front of her class and then tell them why. Kids need to see someone stand up for them.

  8. It’s not just that the American flag makes her feel uncomfortable that I find disquieting. It’s the glee with which she lies to her student about “looking for it,” and then suggesting that he/she pledge allegiance to the pride flag. Like she, the “adult” is pulling some great trick on her student. It’s gross.


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