California Judge Rules Corporate Diversity Quota Law Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

California Judge Rules Corporate Diversity Quota Law Unconstitutional

By Breccan F. Thies

A California law mandating corporations set racial, ethnic, and gender identity-based diversity quotas was ruled unconstitutional by a Los Angeles judge.

The law, which requires California-based corporate boards have members from an “underrepresented community,” was signed by leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) last year. It also required compliance with at least one member from such a community by December 31, 2021. By December 31, 2022, corporate boards were required to fill a minimum proportion of the seats on the board with “underrepresented community” members based on the size of the board.

Conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch sought a permanent injunction on the measure citing the Golden State’s equal protection clause, which was granted with no explanation from the judge. read more

6 Comments on California Judge Rules Corporate Diversity Quota Law Unconstitutional

  1. We need a simple, one-page law passed as soon as the GOP gets control again (big if)
    Call it the “True Civil Rights Act”
    One line: It is illegal to discriminate against anyone based on race, religion, gender (male or female only), or age. Period.
    That means no quotas, no affirmative action, no lowered test scores for minorities or any other group. Every company; private or public would be required to hire the most qualified person.
    I know, that makes too much sense.

  2. All this is being done; so no politicians has to say to black people that many of them are just too dumb and ill-behaved to be functional employees in any corporate setting. Some are, but most are just not suitable at all either because they don’t understand what’s going on or their just assholes who can’t keep their emotions nor their violent impulses in check.

    More votes in just pretending like the reason they don’t get jobs is because of “wypeepo”. Thereby making targets of innocent whites who’ve been scapegoated for generalized black incompetence.

  3. This ruling was a no brainer, and the courts were only waiting on someone to file a challenge. Unfortunately, too many of our businesses are too busy going broke trying to be woke. But this was an unconstitutional stupid law passed by stupid politicians in a blatant attempt to pander to whatever grievance group is in vogue at the moment.

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