I bet there were celebrities on that list.
A new dashboard from the California Attorney General’s office has leaked the personal information of thousands of the state’s gun owners.
The California Department of Justice launched its 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal on Monday. The portal featured data on the state’s gun purchases as well as concealed carry license holders.
Users quickly learned that publicly-accessible files – including identifying information of concealed carry permit owners – could be downloaded from the graphics, as The Reload reports. As of Tuesday afternoon, the dashboard appears to have been pulled from the website.
The leaked info included people’s full names, home addresses, dates of birth, and permit issue dates, as confirmed by a lawyer for the California Rifle and Pistol Association that obtained a copy of the data.
Some personal information of concealed carry license holders is available through a public records request.
Additionally, the data revealed the type of permit one holds and whether the person holding the permit is a judge or a member of law enforcement, the report found.
In Los Angeles County alone, 2,891 people with standard licenses had their information compromised by the leak, The Reload stated. more
Sound like GWB “inadvertently” leaking dats from conservative AND ONLy CONSERVATIVE PACS! Did you forget GWB’s Lois Lerner already!?!?@#$. It’s been 12 years.
VERY ILLEGAL! But lefty Trey protected her! As i said he would!
I have been conservative 70 years NEVER VOTED FOR LEFTY GWB! Biased I am!
DATA NOT dats!
“Accidentally”. Sure. Sure.
The ONLY reason for such a leak is;
To insure physical confrontation.
To ‘ensure’……
Time to kill everyone!
Why any sane person would remain in that state is a mystery to me.
So, California maintains a illegal gun registry? When is someone going to sue them?
Tony gets it.
Why own a LEGAL gun? You simple?
We’re at war: the CA government just fingered political opponents for attack (literally) by Antifa, BLM and gun thieves in general.
I guarantee you the ATF keep their own registry. I hope everyone was smart enough to keep the guns they owned pre-background check and have bought or traded privately.
@Anonymous June 29, 2022 at 12:09 am
> the CA government just fingered political opponents for attack
The Californiq government just fingered idiots that were useful for attack.
This is deliberate intimidation.
My dick leaks – a conscious act by bureaucrats is NOT the same.
This is similar to the Traitors in President Trump’s Administration passing intel to the Media to damage the President and America.
Why do we continue to cloak Treason in Euphemism?
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
@Tim – FJB June 29, 2022 at 5:36 am
> Why do we continue to cloak Treason in Euphemism?
Uhhhhm…. So we can continue doing nothing?
“Uhhhhm…. So we can continue doing nothing?”
Kudos, fucktard – clear, concise, and right on target.
“By George, I think he’s got it!”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Told ya’ the kid had potential.
Let see if fnucky can learn to leave individuals alone and target ideas instead.
…..it could happen.
gro-bidens threatening grievous bodily harm/death, enjoy the response. ru faster than Pb?
JUNE 29, 2022 AT 7:27 AM:
I prefer my Pb with a Cu jacket
anything bez ok if u iza grobiden-loyuh-nwrd
@El Magnifico. ascendente superestrello. because I’m a guy and refuse to use superestrella. June 29, 2022 at 7:05 am
> Let see if fnucky can learn to leave individuals alone and target ideas instead.
The counter has always been the case. As you’ve, personally, been informed.
But when “Muh idea seems truthy, to me.” is what is poasted… does another one allow the lie to stand (because it seems truthy… to some)? Or read “Me, me, ReeeEEE” caterwauling? Because… me?
“The Californiq government just fingered idiots that were useful for attack.”
You show up at my residence and the last thing you need to worry about is the gun on my hip. Bring lots of body bags, you’re gonna need them asshole.
newscum’s bonta-rd thinks he is immune
bon-tard instead of bonta-rd?