California legislative leaders lavished with trips, booze, and sports tickets – IOTW Report

California legislative leaders lavished with trips, booze, and sports tickets


The state Legislature’s top 4 leaders accepted $60,000 in gifts last year, according to the required annual reports they filed yesterday.

The gifts included:

  • Sports tickets
  • Expensive meals
  • Golf games
  • Travel to foreign countries

Creep Kevin de León accepted the most amount of gifts.  He took in 60 of them, worth a total of $24,381. His gifts included trips to Morocco, El Salvador, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.

It doesn’t end there, though.  He also got $3,100 in expenses at the Pebble Beach Golf Resort from the Association of California Life and Health Insurance Cos. and the Governor’s Cup Foundation in exchange for speeches.

Plus he got:

  • Free tickets toSea World
  • Free tickets to The Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Free tickets to a Rose Bowl game
  • A $50 cigar from the Sacramento County Labor Council

There’s more

10 Comments on California legislative leaders lavished with trips, booze, and sports tickets

  1. A lot of people thing the Marxist/Communist/Democrat utopian system is a “classless” society, but nothing could be further from the truth.

    In a capitalist society, such as what America used to be, there is a very small wealthy class, as very large middle class, and a very tiny underclass.

    In a Marxist/Communist/Democrat society there are also 3 classes: a tiny and ultra wealthy ruling class, a small and very comfortable enforcer class, and everyone else–the massive underclass that lives in poverty.

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