California Levee Breaks Flooding Mostly Hispanic Working-Class Agricultural Community – IOTW Report

California Levee Breaks Flooding Mostly Hispanic Working-Class Agricultural Community


A Northern California agricultural community famous for its strawberry crop was forced to evacuate early Saturday after the Pajaro River’s levee was breached by flooding from a new atmospheric river that pummeled the state. More

According to the Guardian

In 1995, the Pajaro River’s levees broke, submerging 2,500 acres (1,011 hectares) of farmland and the community of Pajaro. Two people died and the flooding caused nearly $100m in damage. A state law, passed last year, advanced state funds for a levee project. It was scheduled to start construction in 2024.

I did a quick search on “Oscars,” “Academy Awards,” “Pajaro River,” and “levee” and got no hits. Anyone watch the Academy Awards last night and notice if any celebrities even mentioned this disaster (in need of relief) happening in this mostly Hispanic working-class area of their state? – Dr. Tar

20 Comments on California Levee Breaks Flooding Mostly Hispanic Working-Class Agricultural Community

  1. Levees broken due to climate change disproportionately affect people of color because of white men and biological women.

    There’s your blanket celebrity quote.

  2. Why would the maggots at the oscars GAS about some working-class messicans?
    Or working-class anythings, for that matter.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I believe they were equally oblivious to all the people dying in the San Bernadino mountains due to heavy snowfalls which are practically in their back yard.,in%20the%20San%20Bernardino%20Mountains%20community%20of%20Crestline.

    I just thought maybe be minorities and low income they might at least get a sympathy shout out or even a celeb to take up their cause, but apparently no takers.

  4. The area they are talking about is right on the coast. Locally better known for Artichokes than Strawberries. About 1/2 mile farther down stream the Pajaro river dumps into the Pacific. There’s a super high dollar housing development there. Security up the wazoo. Pajaro Dunes. If it wold have happened there that levee would have been built in about 1 month. Tops.

  5. Smelt! Dredged in lightly seasoned flour and pan fried in butter. Yummy!

    We used to get them in netfulls at the mouth if St. Clair River but they “beautified” the shore line putting in a stell breakwall. Now they’re all out in the middle of the river and you’re lucky if you get enough for an appetizer.

  6. My Smelt come in a Can from the Sea.
    Sometimes in Mustard
    Sometime in Hot Sauce
    Often in Lightly Smoked Oils
    Wish they had Heavily Smoked Oils
    Lightly Smoked is Never Enough Smoke
    And 2 Honey Mustards are Never Enough neither
    Hook Me UP
    Heavy Smoked Kippered Smelts For Breakfast

  7. I was raised near the western Colorado town of Delta – there was a tannery on the north end of town, and when the wind was drifting across the hiway, it smelt absolutely horrible.


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