California: Lockdown Backlash Against Newsom Is Growing – IOTW Report

California: Lockdown Backlash Against Newsom Is Growing

“I feel [Newsom] is a hypocrite and as my father taught me, hogs get slaughtered,” she added.


SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — There is much outrage from residents at the new lockdown orders politicians at the highest and lowest levels in the Golden State have implemented that are very similar to the ones first put in place at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. And they say the hypocrisy from those same politicians is behind the growing backlash.

West Hollywood:

Kitson Los Angeles, a boutique shop, made headlines last week for posting pictures of COVID hypocrisy from Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) on its windows for all shoppers to see. On Saturday, Fraser Ross, the store’s owner, wanted to take the frustration up a notch. He invited volunteers of the Recall Gavin Newsom campaign to park their truck in front of the store to collect signatures.

“I heard they need to get more and more signatures and I thought well, people are coming to take pictures of the window, so obviously we’re getting traffic that wants to sign the petition,” Ross told Townhall, explaining his business has been “booming” since the posters have gone up, “The support has been overwhelming.”

“I’m just trying to help small businesses…to stand up to these politicians.”

Across the street from Kitson, Nicole Sassaman, the owner of a home lifestyle store that bears her name, was more than happy to see the Recall Newsom truck outside, saying they have her “100 percent support” because “he’s destroying businesses and I feel like we’re living in Russia.”

“I feel [Newsom] is a hypocrite and as my father taught me, hogs get slaughtered,” she added. keep reading

10 Comments on California: Lockdown Backlash Against Newsom Is Growing

  1. “…hogs get slaughtered…”

    That’s a step up from “snitches get stitches”. These petty tyrants had better take notice of the fact that as they escalate, we will do likewise.

  2. Whole lotta red pilling going on. Even a celebrity chef whose name escapes me right now called Guvnah Gavin an asshole on Twitter even though he probably voted for him. Personally, I think these leftist guvnahs double down on lockdowns because they can’t admit publicly that they didn’t work the first time. There’s no science that gyms spread COVID. Mine is so clean now (Closed for the time being…) you could operate off the treadmill.

  3. A backless grows yet Newsom gets up every morning to lead the unrestricted life of a powerful and mighty ruler of the people, then goes to bed at night knowing he is secure in that position and has little to fear from the next day of his rule.

  4. “Whole lotta red pilling going on.”

    Don’t confuse the consternation growing over Newsom with any blanket across the broad condemnation of progressive ideology as a whole.

    Newsom will never get recalled, but for sake of argument, if it did happen he would just be replaced with another progressive asswipe who believed the same nonsense, equally committed to the same socialist despotic edicts. He would just be a bit more circumspect in publicly flaunting them.

  5. In the prelude to WWI a politician quipped “If we could send Serbia into the sea, the air in Europe would smell much better.” The same could be said for California as well as a few other states.

  6. If Home Depot and Kroger can operate their mega businesses, then so can every small business owner. Every large grocery chain has a deli, and most have take-out coffee bars for customers to help themselves. How are restaurants any different? There are no monitors in grocery stores or big box hardware stores enforcing “social distancing”, either. This is an attack on small business (most of them America First-ers and Trump supporters). This is 100% politically motivated.

  7. So, be like me, don’t go along with the program. I go where I please, I do as I please, and the Karen’s leave me alone. One comment from anyone, I lay them out unable to defend their position. We’re almost at the bottom of the rabbit hole as a society. There will have to be a civil war to get America back on track……maybe. I feel bad for our children, and I’m happy that both decided not to have children. It’s the #1 worry I hear from our friends, “Our grandchildren will suffer.”


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