California melodrama: Placerville City Council vote to remove noose from ‘Hangtown’ logo – IOTW Report

California melodrama: Placerville City Council vote to remove noose from ‘Hangtown’ logo

h/t Brad.

Try not to roll your eyes clear up into your brain when you read this crap.

ABC10: Symbol of Old West justice, or racist lynchings? | Placerville City Council vote to remove noose from ‘Hangtown’ logo.

“It is history. But it’s history that should be put in a museum,” said El Dorado Black Lives Matter organizer Michelle Greene.

PLACERVILLE, Calif. — Residents of Placerville reacted Wednesday to a unanimous city council vote to remove the noose depicted in its “Hangtown” city logo.

“I recognize what a difficult position this was for them, I recognize what a difficult time this has been for the community at large,” said El Dorado County Black Lives Matter organizer Michelle Greene. “It was time to make a change and I really do applaud them for stepping up and doing what’s right.”

Now a draw for tourists, Placerville’s Hangtown remains a symbol of the California Gold Rush and, some say, the criminal justice system of the Old West.

“We got the guy hanging over there and I guarantee you, there’s 200,000 pictures of him on the internet,” said Todd Pickett, who has owned a shop on the historic strip for seven years called The Man Cave.

Pickett was referring to a man hanged in effigy, dressed in Old West clothing and apparently white, at the “Hangman’s Tree,” historical landmark no. 141 in historic downtown Placerville.

“This isn’t a lynching. It doesn’t say “Old Lynchtown,” it says “Old Hangtown.” Pickett said he said he understands why the city council made the decision about the city logo. 

Camino resident Valerie Fields said she opposes the city council’s decision to remove the noose from the logo. 

“I think it’s OK, it’s part of our history,” Fields said. “Live with it. You don’t like it, don’t live here.” more here

SNIP: Here’s your new image, Placerville.
You’re welcome.

17 Comments on California melodrama: Placerville City Council vote to remove noose from ‘Hangtown’ logo

  1. When GHWB sent the Cuban Neo Commie Sununu out west to knee cap all Conservatives above 06 on the Cal GOP he knew what he was doing. This proves Bush was not dumb????!

    NO mistake, not accident! Bush knew!

  2. That’s why they changed it to Placerville. They strung up a Mexican woman for defending her honor and were so humiliated in CA, they dad to change it 160 years ago.

  3. Locally in the Spokane area we have Hangman Creek (AKA Latah Creek, it’s official name) and Hangman Valley Golf Course AKA Qualchan Golf Course. Hangman Creek got it’s name because some local Indians were hanged there back in the 1860’s or 70’s by white settlers. And Qualchan was the name of one of the Indians that was hanged. There is also a very exclusive, upscale housing development down in Hangman Valley with very expensive homes and many well to do people living there. And when I was a kid in my teens back in the late 60’s and early all the neighborhood boys and at least one girl would sneak out of their houses late at night and walk over the bluff and down to Hangman Creek to catch frogs and snakes and such, even some crawdads. We never told our parents but we were allowed to be free range kids back then so they would have just rolled their eyes at us saying boys will be boys.

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