California: Newsom’s office refuses records request on ‘murky’ $1B mask deal with Chinese company – IOTW Report

California: Newsom’s office refuses records request on ‘murky’ $1B mask deal with Chinese company

FOX: California Gov. Gavin Newsom has denied a public records’ request from the Los Angeles Times seeking details into a nearly $1 billion deal for protective masks from a Chinese car manufacturer.

Newsom’s office has been criticized over lack of transparency into the contract for weeks and the latest refusal will likely raise even more suspicions. The paper reported that his office has insisted that disclosure into the deal with BYD, which stands for Build Your Dreams, could jeopardize the mask delivery. read more

15 Comments on California: Newsom’s office refuses records request on ‘murky’ $1B mask deal with Chinese company

  1. Wow, this deal with this company, BYD, is fraught with problems. POTUS Trump signed legislation (originating with a CA rep), banning the use of federal funds in any contracts with BYD for the purchase of the electric buses. Then the FDA okayed BYD as a provider of masks without even vetting them. Apparently BYD is well-known for their shoddy products and ripping everyone off.

    Newsom keeps referring to CA as a “nation-state” (looks like a rhetorical device to skirt federal law to me). Maybe he thinks CA is a Chinese state.

  2. The student learned well from the master, Pelousie. Plus he already got a $350 million bailout from uncle sam. I thought Trump said NO MONEY FOR SANCTUARY STATES?

  3. This part:

    A statement said that the agency determined that “all responsive records are exempt from disclosure, including exemptions for records reflecting attorney work product, attorney-client privileged information, or other information exempt from disclosure under federal or state law.”

    A disclosure of the sales documents – sales order, bills, receipts, plus warehouse records should not involve any client-attorney privileged information.

    Until some attorney can tell me I’m wrong about the content of such records, I’ll call Gov. Nuisance a crooked, underhanded, thieving son-of-a-whore.

  4. Democrats are allowed to hide any and all public and private records. Republicans are required to show them, plus their private records on file with the IRS, and every confidential matter sealed from public must also be released from government documents to private social media messages (and E-mail).

    When there’s no smoking gun after everything is released the democrats are allowed to either falsify documents or make up false stories about what they believe the documents should contain and we’re all required to believe them.

  5. …If I get a respiratory disease from you, whether intentional or not, why then would I come to you for something I’m going to BREATHE through, seeing as how you could either have it made (and coughed on) by the SAME folks the illness STARTED with and I’d never know, or you could INTENTIONALLY impregnate it with the same, or WORSE, disease?

    What an EXCELLENT biological warfare delivery system THAT is! The victim population WILLINGLY puts on the dosing system, spreads it FOR you, and even PAYS you for murdering them?!?

    …AND, when your biological warfare system starts killing, they blame their OWN leader, YOUR enemy, for it?

    …and we wonder why the Chinese think we’re stupid…

  6. “all responsive records are exempt from disclosure, including exemptions for records reflecting attorney work product, attorney-client privileged information, or other information exempt from disclosure under federal or state law.”

    Whoever financed those records is the owner of those records, regardless of who produced them. They cannot be “exempt from disclosure” to their owners – that’s a legal absurdity.

    Gov. Newsom is the elected Representative of the Taxpayers – NOT the State of California – he is NOT THE STATE ( as in: l’etat c’est moi) of California. He is in that position to execute the laws of that State, not to contravene them.
    ALL of his actions, and those of his all of his cronies in the all of the various agencies and all of their “work product,” are subject to review by the People of California.

    Watch the Courts (State or Federal) and their officers. They are as Treasonous as the FBI, FISA, CIA, NSA, Governors, State Police, Attorneys General, and Agencies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I watched a video on FB of Ventura county saying they are hiring thousands of tracing people and they will contact anyone who has been in contact with someone testing positive and will force you to be quarantined for 14 days while they keep in contact with you daily. Then if you live in a house with 1 bathroom and more people living in the home, they will remove you from your home and put you in quarantine houses.

  8. Methinks old Gavin just bought himself a cushy Chinese investment fund gig, ala Hunter Biden, when his term is over or he is ridden out of Sacramento on rails. Whichever comes first.


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