California Only Needs Newsom’s Signature To Take Sodomy With minors Off The Sex Offender Registry – IOTW Report

California Only Needs Newsom’s Signature To Take Sodomy With minors Off The Sex Offender Registry

Daily Caller

The California legislature passed a law late Monday relaxing sex offender registry requirements for sodomy and other acts with minors in efforts to end “discrimination against LGBTQ young people on the sex offender registry,” according to the bill’s sponsor.

Democratic California state Sen. Scott Weiner, a gay politician who represents San Francisco, first introduced SB 145 in January 2019. The bill “would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register,” according to the text of the legislation.

Under the new bill, which has not been signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom, adults less than 10 years older than the minor who are convicted of having anal or oral sex with that minor would not automatically be added to the sex-offender registry, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. More

Next up for State Senator Weiner, allowing men who identify as women priority in women’s prisons. Here

h/t Louder With Crowder

18 Comments on California Only Needs Newsom’s Signature To Take Sodomy With minors Off The Sex Offender Registry

  1. He’ll sign it. And they’ll have another recall petition. And nothing will happen. He’s being protected from the voters by the Liberal Counties who refuse to process the recall signatures.

  2. Personally I cannot wait for God to strike the new Sodom & Gomorrah from the face of the earth with an earthquake the entire length of the san andrea’s fault line so the whole state of Mexifornia sinks into the pacific ocean quicker than atlantis went under.

    A YUUUGE bonus would be if washington state went with it and we got new waterfront property from Canada to Mexico.

  3. The child rapist that Kyle Rittenhouse killed should have lived in California. It’s too damn bad he died with so little suffering.

    Also for all Conservatives and Libertarians who continue to criticize the kid needs to read this article and take your slap upside the head.

  4. I can’t believe these pigs went for the Pedo big prize first.

    Usually they start with something less taboo like Fucking Goats first & then expand their evil perversions. These degenerate are in the same league as Caligula.

    My Country is run by Assholes, for Assholes, but California pales in comparison to the entire world.

    I am so sad for the children that will be victimized.

  5. There are no words for the disgust and rage this drums up. California’s remember vote these losers out!! Who thinks it ok to send kids to school w sex offenders allowed to have anal sex w them as long as their 10+?? WHattheFFFFFF!!

    This perverted and sick person holding Office should resign or be forced to resign by the public outrage. Further showing why all California dems need to be replaced!!

    I assume this is soros is backed boy in Sf!!

    I’m sure this will be great for reopening schools here!! Trump and red wave all the way!!

  6. Maybe it’s time that politicos like Weiner gets a 9mm reminder to the head that it’s not right to allow the rape of a 10 year old boy by a 20 year old man and to use his office (where he’s supposed to look after the welfare of ALL his constituents not just his fellow rapists) to make it legal. The political system has gotten so corrupt with oligarch tech money, gay sex anyway we want it money, union keep passing laws diminishing the power of businesses we bleed money that it’s time for recalling politicians without a petition has come. Maybe a dozen or two permanent retirements will slow the others down.

  7. Take notice: scr_north is a glowbot.

    It is not a real person. Disjointed, ineffective english, and incomplete sentences are among the signs. Learn what is real and what is not.

    Observe what the glowbots are pushing:

    “Attack the politicians!” “It’s too late for petitions!”

    Petitions have only begun, and have removed some small-time politicians, but they want you to go from 0 to 100%?

    China and the globalists want unrest in the US, to weaken our military, economy, and influence, and to try to destroy our peaceful election process. We are stopping their global takeover and the new normal progress, and they can’t stand it.

    We need YOU in the meme-war citizen. Learn who the enemy is, and awaken your fellow man!

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